This is a game that I really want to like. I love the idea a lot, it seems it would be very fun and enjoyable from the premise alone. Using everything in your limited power to hide every bad news from the public as a game is so cool. The art is also brilliant, especially that lovely reporter lady with that gymnastic pose. Well done on that.
For the gameplay, I think there are quite a few areas to improve upon. The most important thing is that the game lacks an explanation of each element in the game. What do the buttons on the left really do? What does that "mute" button affect, what and when is each sticker used, what will and what won't affect the fear and trust bar etc. You really need that to make the player understand how the game is supposed to be played. It's also a good idea to have some instant feedback that highlights what values have changed. For example, making the fear bar blink when a storm is visible to indicate that something is increasing the fear value. It will also be nice to slowly ease into the difficulty through the gameplay so that the player can learn while playing. Last but not least, it would be nice to show a game over screen when the player has failed the game. I am guessing a full fear bar and an empty trust bar should trigger that.
Anyway, despite everything I've said, I do see the potential of the game, and it would really shine if the game is more enjoyable. Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to the future of this game.