I think I've finally fixed the weird thing going on with it displacing colored text (Hopefully). If it keeps occuring in the most recent download, colorblind mode will at the very least fix the readability issues, but hopefully it is functioning properly now. (ironic...or...fitting, not sure, that me typing about text being misaligned has somehow caused this text box to misalign here)
For some reason it seems the greater/less than text seems to operate on an entirely different spacing method than the others (While it does use different draw functions, (it has to in order to do colors), it's weird that it's doing that...) Sadly I can't fix the spacing being all wonky with them, but I've adjust it so that, though it will still look wonky, it should at least not overlap with other text now (For the most part, regrettably this seems to be the best I can get it)