For some reason it seems the greater/less than text seems to operate on an entirely different spacing method than the others (While it does use different draw functions, (it has to in order to do colors), it's weird that it's doing that...) Sadly I can't fix the spacing being all wonky with them, but I've adjust it so that, though it will still look wonky, it should at least not overlap with other text now (For the most part, regrettably this seems to be the best I can get it)
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I think I've finally fixed the weird thing going on with it displacing colored text (Hopefully). If it keeps occuring in the most recent download, colorblind mode will at the very least fix the readability issues, but hopefully it is functioning properly now. (ironic...or...fitting, not sure, that me typing about text being misaligned has somehow caused this text box to misalign here)
Have been trying to work on fixing the item stat text being misaligned, it's been...annoying since sometimes I'll make a minor adjustment to it to try and fix it and suddenly it will be wildly off from where it should be, with me having no idea why it's operating like that. Just realised the problem with the sprite text being there though, I forgot to make sure that the sprite credit text only appears when a sprite is present, will have at the very least that one fixed with the next upload.
It's all good, I intend to make sure each sprite art is credited on the screen for it. And since there's not really multiple monsters on screen at once, that shouldn't cause any issues.
And it's all fine with the art taking a long while. You make sure that you're taking care of yourself first and foremost. I'm just honored that you've done so much for this, really. Thank you.
Gonna be honest, I hadn't exactly written most of this stuff with the idea of it having an image attached to it. A classic mimic chest would be completely fine for it. The idea of it was simply to invert the whole "Oh yes, this chest is definitely a mimic" but have it still be an enemy. (No need to worry about time or anything. Was busy before, am now sick, so...had a rough time making progress myself.)
Darn...I'm not entirely sure then, this was the only thing I've been able to find on where it's stored so if that's not correct I don't know. Sorry.
Oh my gods I completely forgot with everything going on lately. (I keep having suddenly really busy weeks thrown at me out of nowhere).
So terribly sorry about that (Also, wasn't about to find the username on discord). But I am looking forward to seeing what you've made. I can squish down the dimensions for the sprites in game but I'm currently working with them being 150x150 so that they fit into the whole dialogue box and all.
While I call them major updates, it's more just, me trying to differentiate them from the little hotfix updates and such that I do when bugs are found or stuff doesn't quite feel right (Balance issues typically). Each update is basically me introducing a new feature, and the paywall is in part there so that I can try and fix bugs on it before the public release, and in part just, well, trying to give people something for supporting me with working on this.
At the very least, I can assure you that I'll never do that kind of terribad thing as described in the latter paragraph there. The moment bugs are found I do the best I can to fix them and get the update out, and I fully intend to keep doing that going forward. Hells, if it means pushing forward a public release of a patreon version because that's where it's fixed, then I'll choose that over having it be broken for people. (Though I should hope that it's never in such a state of disparity between them that it would be a possibility.)
Things have been a bit rough lately with the heat over here (Makes me all lethargic so it's been hard to focus on the game). But have been steadily making progress on a major quality of life update. Hoping to have it done before two weeks from now, but there's still a lot to do for it so will just have to see.
Huh...Do you recall what you bought from them to have the gold go negative? I'm looking at the code and the code SHOULD be checking "Hey is your gold equal or greater than the cost?" before it lets you purchase that thing, and it minuses that same cost variable that it checks from your gold, so it shouldn't be able to go negative but clearly something's going wrong and I can't figure out what it would be.
The thumbnail art is by Jimbohusky (I can't find their post for it, but you can find the art here: I'll see about adding in different dialogue for those sizes if you give her a comparitively huge amount, and as for Sprite work, I'm always glad to accept help on that. I'm just a game designer/programmer (Though I am working to try and do better with art now, bit by bit).
I definitely want to eventually get the stats colour coded for that, but it turns out it's a lot harder than I thought it would be to manage that with gamemaker. I have figured something out but it's going to take way longer to implement than I have before the holidays with how busy things are being so the next update is most likely just going to have a simple (+)/(=)/(-) to show if a stat is worse as a kind of bandaid fix.
The damage per round calculation is a good idea that I'll try and see if I can implement but not entirely sure if I'll be able to manage it before holiday stuff has me too busy to work on it.
Been really busy lately but going to be trying to get out an updated before the holidays proper that should make it you never get gear that is objectively worse than your current gear, buffs the attack of weapons (Since they are the only slot that gives attack) and should raise the minimum time for higher hit rate weapons.
Thank you so much for the feedback here. Wish I could help fix the lack of art too but sadly I'm not really good enough with my own spritework yet to be able to fix that.
OH! The savagely attack is supposed to do the absolute maximum damage you could inflict with an attack, and looking at the code. It is actually doing that, just I forgot to update the formula the description uses.
Been really busy and haven't gotten much time to work on this lately but will try to put out an update before the holiday's to fix this (Along with some QoL things).
More hits means more potential damage that you deal. It doesn't matter how many you hit in a row, just how many you hit. You also deal more damage for how much time you have remaining, but the amount you hit contributes more.
That then gets boosted by your attack (Which your weapons attack adds to) and compared to the enemies defense to see how much you deal.