Cats are cute 10/10. Jokes asides, this is quite a fun multi-tasking game! I played till Friday. Not sure if that's a good score or not but that will do for me. The cat is super cute, the graphics besides the cat are also very nice, and I like the art style a lot. The way you assemble the burgers is very clever and I don't think I've seen it before. It's very intuitive and makes much sense once you understand how that works. The difficulty is slowly rising which is also a nice design. Blackout is a bit annoying, but it's definitely part of that chaoticness. Overall, this is very well done! Nice work!
For some minor comments, I'd say it would be better if you also show the target amount of gold required each day so that the player can have an idea of how much you need (and how much they still need to make before game over). For the UIs, I will also suggest adding an outline to the text to make it stand out a bit. Currently, they've blended into the light yellow counter background and are quite hard to see at a glance. I would also be nice if there were audio and visual cues for time passage, especially when it's getting near the end of a day. Just to add some tension to the situation.
Anyway, this is very nice and I liked it a lot. Well done!