I got a crash when opening the backpack in the second boss' shop. Wish I could help narrow it down more, but I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. I think I need to play more 3D Godot games before I say this is a HtD issue.
Aside from that, everything seemed better and I was having fun. The introduction of a story was nice and I didn't notice any shader loading stuttering. Maybe you changed the way the "move to location" order worked or I was getting better because party control felt less cumbersome.
- I still don't like the way you're forced to play different healers (which I cheesed by starting and exiting a game until I got one I wanted to play)
- The art on the overworld and (especially, since it's the first impression) the intro would benefit from being improved
- Aside from lack of enemy variation, I thought the visuals in the dungeon were nice, I liked the fallen bookcase prop
- On the topic of books, I wish the armor and spells were combined into one list, since I was remembering to equip armor while at the shop but forgetting to check the spell menu to see if I had any that needed equipping
- Now that I'm more aware of party position I realize that I can't tell the difference between friendly and enemy DoT fire zones
- The tutorial puts text behind the location where the enemy HUD appears at the same time as you're meant to be fighting them