The music is AI generated. However, I did a lot of mastering to it after the fact to make it cohesive with the rest of the tracks. The cosmos effect was made adjustable for that reason. Most of the layers are editable now.
You can only move constructible objects, you can plant domesticated berry bushes that can be moved. Perhaps I should add the ability to move environment objects as well.
Fertilizer currently has no use, as plant health is not yet implemented. It will be required to keep linseed and other plants from dying.
> theres no real reason to leave your base as your busy crafting or building stuff
Not during ranks 1-5 which are effectively a tutorial. Most of the progression will occur in the base claim area which increases with each rank to cap out at the size of the map.
> i think it couldve been fun to go out and cooperate with the creatures maybe shoot down a big monster or something like that, or set up other camps with different resources available
There is a planned structure called the "Expeditioner". Where the pawns will leave the camp to get resources from outside of the map.
As for construction in other maps, you can walk outside of the main map. Building structures there, after an Auditor is assigned (which will happen much later into the game) will contribute to the economy of the main settlement.
> might be cool if they interacted a bit more socially maybe, i really like the way they talked at the beginning of the game. eager to see where you take the game next
The pawns are meant to talk to each other, and the player. With voice, and bubbles over their heads. I'm just making the progression part of the game before the social management portion. I discussed this in a devlog post a couple of weeks back.