Cool enemy wave spawning game!
- Innovation – The most unique idea I saw was the coin collecting drone. That is a cool hook, your character should start with a drone and you get more as you play.
- Fun – Moving so slow made the ranged enemies kind of frustrating, I would up the base speed more or nerf the ranged enemies. Everything else was quite fun. Might be cool if she just auto-fired and we pointed with the mouse. Holding down for so long made my hand hurt haha
- Graphics – Very simple asset pack stuff I think? Looks good. Needs more feedback and particles.
- Audio – Not great. The gun needs a better sound and some random pitching so it doesn't get annoying. The enemies need some random grunts and roars. Needs foot step sounds, etc.
- Polish – With some more juicy game feel I think people would really like it!
Great job completing a full and fun game loop! Please check out my game if you like Metroidvanias or platformers :D