The concept is cool and the vibes are great. Some monsters stat are impossible to see though, and I don't understand why the prices seem irrelevant to the stats. Furthermore, twice I encountered a bug where the last enemy just didn't spawn (at max speed, if that's relevant). Once at wave 1, the other at wave 11. That aside, what is there is interesting and fun. I've never played a "combine the towers to make them stronger" tower defense game.
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Glad you liked our game and the potential of tower combination!
In regards to the stats, we didn't notice that the stats were being hidden by the New Wave button until yesterday!
Stats, prices and health have yet to be properly balanced due to time constraints but will definitely be in the future!
As for the 1 eneny remaining bug, we were made aware of this issue later on as well and were not able to submit the fix ;(