It was fun. There was a nice sense of increasing difficulty, although the monkey area was pretty crazy and I hugged a wall to avoid it. I liked the spike jumping part. It seems like the kind of game where you could be separated from the boat to give a feeling that the danger has increased before meeting up with it again.
I played pretty conservatively with ammo but I was still getting low by the end, I think it's because of the high amount of shots to kill and the high movement speed of enemies leading to missed shots.
The game was really forgiving. I'd like it more if respawns didn't save your progress and heal you, and I think it'd be more fun if the boat could take damage from crashing and if it takes too much you lose/have to jump in the water and fix it. I'd also prefer if you had to stay in the cockpit to control the boat so as to be more immersive and make positioning on the boat a factor. I kept pressing CTRL to try to crouch and dodge shots while on the boat.
The SFX and the early PC/PSX graphics were nice but I thought it would be better with 3D enemies instead of billboards.