Wow this is pretty long but thanks for thinking so much about the game.
1. About the controls a lot of people told me about it and tha'ts how it was in the beginning (w/s) but I felt that you need to move fast up and down and if the controls are w/s then its a lot slower and harder to change the direction unlike with A/D in which you can use two fingers and it just feels better.
2. About the score my brother told me too that I should do something with it and your idea is good and pretty easy to make so if you would told me that during the submitting time I would probably make it.
As for the other tips they are pretty good but I don't think this game has a lot of potential and I don't think that its worth my time.
And one last thing, you said "it's always good to see familiar faces" how do you know how my face looks :)