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A member registered Sep 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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No worries, just to be clear the material just needs to be made transparent. Nothing fancy required haha.

Also wanted to say good job on the game, I read your 'my first game jam' devlog where you wrote down the process of what you did each day. I think it's very cool what you did and also documenting your process like that. It was fun to read it and gave me some laughs (I see you enjoy fixing bugs eh? I should invite you to fix mine! :D). Regardless, detailing how you did the day night cycle, and using the animator event to change the skybox is very creative by the way! :)

I like survival / crafting games so I gave your game a try! Here's my thoughts!

Game Design feedback:

  • I was wondering why pressing 'E' on the metal didn't do anything - it should write in the text that I need a pickaxe to mine it if the player tries to press 'E' on it instead of nothing happening. Otherwise it looks like a bug when nothing happens. Additionally, adding that visual feedback to indicate to the player what they need to do to mine the metal is also a good information tidbit that guides them to what to do next.
  • I think the initial un-built versions of the crafting table/water table should be in transparent blue, not opaque blue. They should also not be collide-able, as they aren't really there. I didn't realise they were meant to be 'wireframe' versions of the thing to be built once you gathered the materials, so making them appear transparent would fit with traditional survival games that also use "ghost wireframes".
  • On that note, I also think trying to interact with the ghost wireframes should say something like "You need to build this first to use it", because I kept trying to drink and spammed 'E' at the blue water table when my character was thirsty, to no avail. That would further accentuate the point that they are unbuilt.
  • Some markers to tell me where the last small dynamite would've been appreciated, as the island is pretty big and without recognizable landmarks, it's hard to see where you've explored and where you have not, and it's not easy to find a really thin brown stick that's flat on the ground with no noticeable visual indication.

Graphical feedback:

  • When selecting the bow, the text still says 'get pickaxe' instead of 'get bow'.
  • You can see through the back of the character's head/arms, which is funny because you see his inner mouth and teeth model when you punch the trees haha. This doesn't cause any confusion so it's a very minor point that doesn't impact how I'd enjoy the game, just thought it was funny.
  • Not a negative thing, but just a thought: I just wonder if health should regenerate over time so you don't have to live with permanent consequences of your decision to antagonize the monsters haha. But then again I don't know if there are consequences for death. If they are negligible then maybe it's fine, I didn't want to die to find out!

What I liked:

  • The sky when it changes from day, to sunset, to let you know it's about to be nightfall
  • Sense of progression: Upgrading to a pickaxe actually makes chopping trees faster.
  • The character punches a tree to chop it. Go strong hands!!
  • Story that makes me want to find out what's next
  • Rain effects were cool and when I went into the tent to take shelter, I looked up and saw the rain changes to just tiny droplets of water seeping through the tent, I thought this was pretty nice attention to detail! Good job wow!

Overall good job on a very intriguing game! :D

wow thank you for the breakdown! I had earlier just woken up from my hibernation and wanted to go through this properly before replying! XD

I get what you mean about many of these points!

  • I'll likely reduce the peace timer from 600s to 360s on default difficulty to try to solve some of the difficulty issues. I will also make it so that the peace times get shorter with each storm survived, culminating in 100% fully stormy at the end. MWAHAHA! *devilish grin*😈
  • Ah the build lag, if referring to the lag when placing a new building, seems to be caused by recalculation of the Navigational Mesh (for the settlers' pathfinding AI to walk on, which gets really big when the bridge is long), I'm testing out a solution for it!
  • Good point, I am thinking of a checkbox or a shortcut key like Hold SHIFT to insta-build Level 2 instead of Level 1!
  • Also I am glad to hear you enjoyed it and even got to the end! I am impressed and thank you for these feedback from the bottom of my heart!

For me it reminds me of building sandcastles and getting bitten by crabs XD

Thanks - I'm looking to learn as well so if you have any detailed feedback, feel free to let me know your thoughts about my game so I can improve!

No problem, I ended up making a semi-cozy game set in the sea too HAHA (except for the storm...which is the opposite of cozy), something about the sea just screams cozy to me, like I just wanna sit there and watch the waves... *zones out lo-fi beats*

Wow! Thanks for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate thoughts like these! They're all valid points and it looks like I'm going to have to think about, especially the onboarding/tutorial process.

- Ah, I think the arrow for the card should be linked to the "Take a card" objective now that I think about it, rather than have the arrow already visible by default!

- Regarding the sense of overwhelming and preferring to have less choices, could you elaborate a little bit more on what kind of choices you think can be removed? Just want to understand how your experience/flow was like that led to that overwhelming experience, so I can improve it for future players!

- The collect button only lights up for buildings that the player has yet to unlock. The intention is to show that they're kinda "recommended picks", something like that haha. I see now this is quite inconsistent and probably it needs to be recommended or highlighted some other way perhaps?

- The first five cards had been manually hardcoded to have a shorter than usual timer as I thought the game was pretty slow at the start, but now I realise it's not a bad thing for it to be a little slower paced at the start as it is the phase to learn how the game works afterall, so I will be tweaking that, thanks for this!

- I think some kind of tooltip over the storm timer briefly explaining what the storm does might be cool. I also intend to add a kind of 'checklist' panel to help players prepare for the storm after all objectives have been completed.

Thank you for the kind words, Waker! Appreciate it!

Thanks for the feedback and outlining your playthrough! I do wish I could've known some of these beforehand haha. 

The cards are currently fully random. Am thinking if it should weight some buildings higher at the beginning. I tried to negate some of the building unlock RNG (randomness from the card) through the permanent upgrades for now as I am aware how it would feel really bad for farms to unlock super late.

I also intend to add some additional goals to help players prepare for the storm! (Get 20 settlers, stockpile teriyaki, build 100 meters)

I am thinking of how to make it less overwhelming for the player at the beginning. Perhaps not having settlers unlocked for the first 2 minutes of gameplay? As settlers will unlock hunger/happiness requirements. Hmm...

Thanks for the flattering comment haha. On default difficulty the storm will arrive in exactly 10 minutes, but I'm starting to think that it could come as early as 5 minutes possibly?

Good point, I also agree that some goals would be clear! I just thought of it but maybe some kind of [Quest Objective], like 10/10 settlers raised, 50/100 food stockpiled, 30/50 buildings built, would help guide players to prepare for the storm and also set some clear indicators on what to do! I'll update the game with that as soon as the rating period ends.

Haha I'm not sure if it can be an idle game considering there's a really scary storm at the end! XD But in peaceful mode without the storm, it can totally be a different genre, a cozy idle bridge settlement game :)

Ah, I hadn't noticed, whoops! Well, I might have to play it for a third time to check those out HAHA.

Also, I'm looking for feedback on my game, which also happens to be a building game in a different vein (more resource management) as I'm also looking to learn and improve on my blind spots, if you have not tried it and want to give it a go! No obligations of course, just thought maybe we'd have similar tastes in genre as we both made building games haha.

(2 edits)

Just wanted to let you know I managed to finish the game. Actually I finished it earlier shortly after I wrote my feedback and I edited my comment and scoring to reflect that at that time. In fact not much needed to change as I had already given you full marks on the Graphics and Audio, which I thought was done really well to establish the mood and atmosphere of the game!

It is fully understandable that you had to prioritize on the things that matter. That's what is most important. Also a 2GB game for a jam doesn't sound right, so it might not be a good idea to compare to, unless it's like a really detailed high quality game but I don't know about it so I cannot comment. Regardless, good job with the game and the story, I really liked the eerieness and the conversation between the player character and the fellow at the other end of the walkie-talkie, and enjoyed being immersed in the island as well as the 'thing' which I hope gets explained in a Part 2 or follow up! :)

And sure please do feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on my game as I am also looking to learn and improve on it!

Ah! I must've missed it somehow haha. Good job on the game regardless! :)

thanks so much for the info! This is good to know! I saw that bit about how you can make a change if it's game breaking, but I wasn't sure what constitutes as "game breaking" as technically the game does function without the changes, but the changes are also minor enough that I'm not creating something new 😅

No problem, I think with proper balancing the threads could be intense as it can be a good risk/reward thing. Just that right now there isn't enough reward for the risk to be worth it - if you lose, that's like 30% of your stability bar wiped! Oof haha.

If you do check out my game do feel free to let me know how it can be improved or what you think could be done better as I am also looking to learn and improve! :)

Haha Bloons is such a classic. Also just gave your game another try after your comment. Not sure if to edit the original comment with my new learnings but I'll just write it here!

I think I understand how actions work now: You gain 3 actions per day, but picking a card costs two actions - which explains why I could sometimes upgrade and sometimes could not.

I think it may need to be clearer conveyed that cards cost action points that also can be spent on upgrades. The moment I realised that I was like "ahh, now I get it. I can choose to place a new building, or get upgrades", and then it opens up a new way to play! It makes the game a lot more strategic and opens up more avenues on how I can spend my points! This game is actually pretty strategic, which is cool, it just needs to be clearer that's all.

I also tried the bowling alley. I couldn't unlock the later upgrades. I think they cost more action points? If so, I think it would've been nice to include the cost below the upgrade name as you have a text placement for a Description it seems. Also I'm not sure if I can do it but it would be nice to save up Action Points to rollover if indeed the upgrades can cost multiple points. I had one point and couldn't seem to spend it. I did manage to unlock up to the third upgrade before the square one for the bowling alley, and boy I think the bowling alley is my favourite now! I just love the way it bounces and gets bigger, and it can even push enemies in addition to damaging the little annoying flying critters that are unfortunate enough to be in its exact path as it lands? WOW! XD

After I learnt from your other comment that I can rotate buildings, it also made my second attempt a lot more fun as previously I had all my buildings facing the right haha, and so my left was pretty much undefended. I made it further this time and it was also a lot more fun for me!

Your team should definitely be happy and proud of what you've made!

That's a very cool game name and even better that it's one with universe and space elements which I like!

Some feedback:

  • I found the white particles to be the most confusing. Even after re-reading the instructions on it, and going back and forth to play with it, it still wasn't clear as there is a lot of ambiguous wording attached to a graphical screenshot that doesn't point out what they are.
    • "Increases stability upon success", but how do I get it to succeed? 
    • "When a thread isn't activated", how do I activate or deactivate a thread? Does touching it simply do it? 
    • "Checkpoints affect stability" And what are checkpoints?
  • While I eventually sorta figured it out, it took me a really long time to realise I think I have to follow the created path for threads, but it wasn't obvious. I think guiding arrows would've explained this concept, or animate the trail with subtle 'animated directional flow arrows' may help? .
  • Winning threads is also quite difficult as you have to be very precise and the starting point is the most tricky as you don't know where the thread's direction is, just a tiny bit of mouse movement will cause you to fail instantly and lose a lot of stability before it even starts. Ultimately it was too risky to activate threads so I just avoided them, but I think they're necessary to master to beat the timer.
  • Wish there was a way to go back to menu to read instructions or restart, as 'Exit' closes the entire game.
  • I liked the space visuals! Just not very clear how it relates to the jam theme though.
  • Very minor: I think calling it 'Instructions' instead of 'Tutorial' is more accurate. Tutorial sounds like it would take me to a 30 second handheld gameplay or tutorial level haha, whereas "Instructions" sounds more like something I'd read.

What I liked:

  • The transition from from the menu to gameplay!
  • The duality of the particles and controls. Very unique and matches the game title.
  • The aesthetics: Coloured particles of the light spectrum stand out against the black and white background!
  • Black hole at the center is cool and ties the visuals together.

Overall, nice job on the visuals~

(1 edit)

Heya, if you love city builders, here's mine!

Please share any feedback you have as I am still looking to learn and improve the game, so detailed feedback is really appreciated!

Checking out your game too as the name sounds cool and sci-fi-ish, and I really love space and the universe stuff like that haha!

Hey! Sorry this is actually my first time participating in this Brackey's jam as well so I can't really comment on what can or can't be allowed as I'm also unsure. 

I too, want to update my game's description and also put out a new build to change two lines of code that adjusts the game's difficulty, but I notice that doing that will update the game page and am unsure if that constitutes as making a change. I think you can ask the mods to be absolutely sure if it's allowed (and if you do that, I'd also like to know too haha).

I see you've played Stormbridge, thanks for trying it out and please feel free to let me know your thoughts or critiques on it if you have any, as I am also trying to learn and improve on it! :)

Thanks for trying Stormbridge!

Indeed, I didn't expect people to actually find the default difficulty to be easy! I will reduce the peaceful duration from 600 seconds to either 300 or 480 seconds once the rating period is over haha

Haha I feel you! I once got too complacent and went for material production over food, and was shortly later met with a wave of deaths! XD

Haha yeah! Often I see these story games but then I can't experience the full story because I'm terrible at the game and then I give up, which is a waste for both the player and the developer, because I really want to see the rest of the game and all the effort you put in! 

Also I've played your game and left you feedback on your page :)

(4 edits)

Heya! Really loved the contrast in the colour palette and the way your screenshots and thumbnail accentuate that, very nice presentation! Here's my feedback from playing your game:

Game Design:

  • In level 1, it wasn't clear that I was supposed to move left first - I think the juxtaposition of the starting area made it the most intuitive for the player to move right (empty inviting space on right, and most platformers traditionally operate left to right), so for the solution to the level to be on the left made it a little confusing to start and admittedly I had to read the webpage instructions to figure it out as I thought there had to be some keyboard shortcut I missed initially
  • I wish when time ran out on the purple level, it doesn't send me back to the nature level. I would just want to restart the purple level without having to grind through the nature level again as I had already cleared it and figured the puzzle out. Having to do the puzzle repeatedly turns it more into a chore.
  • The character is a cube, and it seems the ground check to perform jumps is at the cube's center. During the timed challenge, there were times when the cube is clearly on the ground, and I'm on the edge of a platform ready to make the jump, but I can't jump because the code thinks I'm not on the ground, due to me being on the edge. This led to a lot of falls and frustration because I should clearly be able to jump, but the game does not let me jump. This happens extremely often because it is intuitive to want to rush to the edge of a platform before jumping, to maximize your jump distance to land on a faraway platform. However it's not intuitive if the cube can't jump from the edge. I tried the timed level multiple times but I had to walk away because I couldn't make the final jump, which is a bit of a shame.

Technical feedback:

  • When you hug the wall, you can't seem to jump to the normal maximum height. I believe this is due to friction or sliding from contact with the wall. For example, if I hold right while I'm against the wall and then double jump, I can't leap to the next floor. However that's how most players would control their character - holding down the movement key, and then using another key to jump. So having to release the directional key and make the jumps separately, and then go back to using the directional key to make sure I land, is a bit awkward. I think for a platformer it is important that the character control feels sleek and intuitive, as otherwise it can lead to frustration or confusion for the player, especially when the jump height is inconsistent.

Graphical feedback:

  • Nice polishing touches like subtle leaves dropping in the nature levels. Adds a lot to the feel and immersion you were going for with the calm levels.

What I loved:

As mentioned, I really loved the aesthetics and colour palette chosen. The use of purple is gorgeous and contrasts the yellows and greens of the nature levels. The character being a white glowing cube also makes it stand out regardless of the level. Loved the intro animation as well and the music that adds so much "feel" to the game!

Edit: Also using the mouse to move the cubes is pretty nice, and the physics interactions is also cool. While I didn't make it far, I think that's an idea that I would've loved to see explored more of in later levels!

Ah totally understandable and makes sense to prioritize the important things and the good thing is the heart (pun intended) of the concept is very clear! XD

Ah I didn't get to try the bowling alley but now I'm curious heh, also the idea of upgrade paths is very cool, reminds me of Bloons TD which I also really enjoyed. 

I thought the idea of building a highrise building will be cool but that giant, sounds like a really sick idea!

I look forward to being able to try the game again with the improvements if they get made! :)

Wow, I really love defense games like this so I really liked it!

Some feedback:

  • There should be a crosshair at the cursor's position during the combat phase. At the start, I thought this was one of those tower defense games where the turret shoots automatically, and coincidentally my cursor was at the bottom where the enemies were, so I waited and then eventually realised I had to move the cursor to aim. This part wasn't clear and by then I lost a lot of health.
  • It wasn't clear to me how actions or upgrades worked. I selected a second home and built it, and I thought it would give upgrades but then it didn't, and then I selected the original home and the Dad/Mom upgrades were still locked.
  • I think the fire station is spraying in the opposite direction by default. The default orientation is that I expect that me placing it on the left, it defends on the left, but instead it shoots to the right.
  • It wasn't clear until I saw your other comment that I can change buildings' direction but that isn't known as there are no instructions indicating the ability to rotate it. 
  • Having at least just a bit of music or sound would be nice, as I thought my tab was muted initially. Even just a shooting sound or an ambient background track would make a whole lot of difference and really elevate the mood.

What I liked:

  • The Mom and Dad upgrades being called that is pretty funny haha.
  • I loved that I could upgrade the main turret. Was wondering if I can upgrade the buildings too.
  • Also loved that there were different buildings with different effects. Fire station to slow the enemy, hotel to chomp on them (which is pretty funny) haha.
  • I also generally like the idea that you're building some kind of highrise building in the middle of the storm? Though I couldn't quite understand what the storm is doing or why there's cubes attacking the heart.

Overall, a very cool game and if an improved version of this gets made, I would totally play it and check it out!

That's awesome and super cool to hear! And the character glowing sounds fantastic too, and I think adding it as an optional thing is genius since you can appeal to a wider audience and leave it to a player to decide how best they want to play or challenge themselves :)

(1 edit)

Heya, here's my feedback!

Game design feedback:

  • I wish the torch instantly snapped to the cursor movement, rather than having that smoothing. It makes the game feel less responsive when I have to wait for the torch to illuminate the path ahead. Furthermore in a time-intensive game, snappiness and repsonsiveness is very important.
  • The torch is a little too small range. Many times I cannot see my character and the platform I'm jumping to at the same time. This causes a lot of frustration trying to time jumps and leads to deaths that are less based on skill and more of memorizing the map layout of what's ahead.
  • Since this is a game where you die frequently, I wish the character respawned much faster, and the intro cutscene would be skipped after the first time you die in that level.
  • The intro cutscene is rather long, but also because of that camera movement in the dark, it's very difficult to orientate yourself, especially since the camera pans a long distance and then to the red wheel, rather than your character. So a lot of precious seconds are lost just trying to wait for the camera to orient on your character before you actually want to move, as if you move beforehand while the cutscene is still playing, you cannot see where your character is heading.
  • For me I didn't like the timed challenge on level 3(?). It requires me to memorize the level layout, and combined with the small torch range and tiny platforms, I think it was a little too much for me. I gave it a couple tries but ultimately couldn't pass it. I wish that if you died a few times, the game asks if you want to make it easier, like removing the red spinning gear, so that I can just skip the level and experience the rest of the game without having to struggle. I think as the game creator you are the expert at the level layout, but I think it would be better if it could have an easier difficulty option to also accommodate players less experienced in the genre maybe?

What I loved

  • The art was really good and consistent
  • I liked how you control a torch and a character - the execution can be better but the idea is nice
  • I liked that you discover how to double jump after the first level, I think an idea is to introduce progressive skills or even have upgrades you can choose, like bigger torch range, which I would definitely pick haha.
  • Loved the texts at the beginning that show the character dialogs and thoughts, I enjoyed reading them!
  • Also loved the voice of the knight when he falls. AHHH!!

Overall good job on the art and atmosphere!

A very lovely game that I'd love to sink time into when I'm feeling down, just to chill and just listen to the soothing music and hang out by the dock with a friendly shopkeeper. Lovely aesthetics and vibes and it's 5 stars in many categories! 

My only feedback is maybe the cards/fish should be automatically claimed without having to right click them. Furthermore right click is not the most intuitive action, and left click to drag it to inventory is a bit of a long-winded action to repeat for every catch, thus I think it should do that automatically if you have the inventory slots for it. I know the text says to claim it or they get lost, but I didn't know it required actual user input to make that action - in Dredge you automatically claim the loot too. Just my two cents. The game is great overall :)

heya, here's my feedback! Honestly I played your game the longest so far, and I was not expecting the game I'd get sucked into to be a puzzle game.

my thoughts:

  • cute
  • liked the dialogs in between the levels that introduce or talk about the new objects!!
  • I like how fast the game flows, which in turn rewards trial and error. I like watching the simulation of the water progressively too. The levels are also very challenging which makes it very rewarding when you figure it out.
  • Nice level transitions!
  • Also I don't think that's the morale of the story 'A pup who cried wolf', but that's pretty funny! XD
  • I liked the physics interactions between the water and cushions.

My only slight criticism:

  • I didn't know I had to press [SPACE] to start a level. I think that was missing in the instructions so I just kept trying to put the pillow everywhere expecting the game to start if I found the right location which was pretty silly XD

Hey BiggestBoof, thanks for trying my game out! And I actually wanted to try matching the crane animation to how fast they get iron but I think it would only make it look even more hilarious/ridiculous XD

If you can, I'd like to learn more about the rough spots you were facing, so I can use this chance to learn more about how I can do better!

I'm also trying your game now and will be leaving some feedback in a moment! :)

Tried and left you some feedback on your page!

(1 edit)

Heya! Good job on the game, here's my feedback!

Game design feedback:

  • The character should be able to jump to navigate the terrain better as it's very bumpy and has hills everywhere. It also helps with moments where the character gets stuck or falls through terrain which happens frequently. Not being able to jump made terrain traversal options rather limiting.
  • There should be markers to tell you where to go next. Be it obvious guiding arrows, or just naturally-placed signboards on the terrain. I couldn't find the first destination despite wandering around for several minutes. Even if you want to keep the exploration aspect, you can make the markers appear after some time when the player has still yet to meet the objective, so it isn't confusing or frustrating for the player when they cannot find the shed after some time has passed.
  • Subtitles for the dialogs would be nice

Graphic feedback:

  • I found it quite dark overall, I think it could help with some contrast. For example, if the ground is dark, make the sky a bright grey so I can see the silhouette of the terrain. Or make the sky dark but have the ground be lit by occasional light sources such as lanterns and fireflies to illuminate the terrain. Currently, both the ground and the sky is black - although the rain helps to see the 'horizon line', the screen itself should never be pitch black outdoors. Even at night, there should still be some moonlight.
  • The stairs in the lighthouse are pitch black in some areas, but the walls are illuminated and sometimes it's the other way around. (Seems like a directional light is passing through and hitting areas it should not?) There were also moments where descending, the screen is just pitch black because I'm facing the wall or opposite of the directional light, which makes it difficult to orientate myself in such a narrow tight space.
  • I think the lighthouse could be the clear defining landmark. I expected it to be really easy to see and find no matter where I am, but because the fog distance is so short, I cannot see much further and couldn't find my way back to the lighthouse if I wanted to. I think the game would be better if you make it really tall and emit a bright light. If you don't want a minimap, make it very obvious where it is - so you can always orientate yourself and your relative position to it, and not get lost.

Technical feedback:

  • At the bottom of the lighthouse, there should be an actual wall instead of an invisible collider to tell you you cannot descend further. I thought it was a collider bug until I turned left and saw the door to indicate where I was supposed to go.
  • I fell through the ground very early on and it seems to happen occasionally and had to struggle getting back up.
  • The build is pretty big (700MB) for the content, I think it could be optimized better since it's a downloadable game, but this is a minor point.


  • Atmosphere and mood was well established.
  • Rain sound effects really elevated the immersion.
  • Good job on the game - this was the first first-person controller game I played and I liked how you start off at the top of a lighthouse and you descend a stairs while sharing the dialog and story through the walkie-talkie. I liked how the game introduced the narrative that way.

Edit: Managed to find the shed at last, was a pretty short game but I liked how it got scarier when you flicked the switch and the rain instantly stops. Like woah. Nice little story too, I actually want to know more about what exactly is on that island! :)

haha! Did you not see the sky getting darker and the music change? XDD

Thanks for giving the game a try! :)

Thanks for the detailed feedback!!! This is super appreciated and will help me think about how to balance it!

Workshops probably have to be nerfed and the calm duration reduced to make the storm appear sooner.

I don't have ideas yet about how to solve the endgame where the storm becomes less of a threat and rebuilding becomes an annoyance. I do see that happening when the storm is far behind and resource generation is faster than the rate at which it destroys stuff, which then turns building into a chore when you're swimming in resources!

I cannot believe myself either haha. Am about to to go  hibernate sleep but if you could elaborate in more detail, I would really love to know what you found unbalanced so I can learn from it!

OOh interesting name, I love lighthouses so rest assumred I'm definitely giving this a shot once I wake up! I'm about to KO now after a super long day haha

That's awesome to hear man! :)) Also off-topic but I think we both met the same guy HAHA! I think he goes to these games conferences a lot because he also played my prototype 🤣 (which was how we met)! SMALL WORLD!

Thanks for giving my game a try and glad to hear you gave it a shot even if it's not your kind of genre! (I actually play Factorio too so maybe some inspiration came from there subconsciously haha!) :)

Your game name stuck out to me (A storm as my lover? HOW?) and I just had to check that out! I've left feedback for you there as well - good job on your game too with the design and music, fuann!

Always happy to share my thoughts and thanks for the encouraging words as well! :)

Also I hope any of the feedback given isn't in any way discouraging, as I did find the concept of land to air and to be a cool one! It reminds me of a game I played called 'Dream Engines: Nomad Cities', which I also quite liked!

Interesting title and interpretation of the theme!

I liked the colour palette you used and also giving the storm a personality and character even.

I liked how there are bits of dialogue and relief to break up the very intense fights! Also loved how the bosses are named :)

My only feedback is perhaps to have some kind of 'easy mode' to prompt to the player after they've failed a round. I kinda wanna move on with the story and read the dialogues, but after losing thrice or something, I got hit with a screen that says "I'm Sorry Darling" and then does not allow me to progress further. I don't want to be forced to restart so I just left it as that, but I think a more forgiving mode with either less bullets, or more lives, or smaller player hitbox would make the game more engaging for non-bullet hell players who don't frequently play this genre.

Nonetheless, really awesome job on the art and the overall vibe of the game! :D