Yeah, all good points.
- The clarity for taking damage is definitely placeholder haha. You got it on the green circle; it's part of the pyramid enemy. I'm definitely planning a tutorial that'll when I've got the gameplay hammered down.
- I think I'll nerf the troopers and see how it goes, but yeah I'll probably add a very short range radar for enemies behind you once I figure out how to make it look good on the UI.
- I'll have to think about the lock-on thing. A key function all the specials serve is to be able to threaten you at all ranges and speeds, and being able to just dash to disable them would definitely be something I'd need to do carefully.
- It should be the closest enemy, though it might be an issue with hitboxes at super close ranges? I'll look into it, thanks for the heads up.
- Yeah the whole metaprogression is definitely a v0.1 early alpha thing. It's all a total hack job since I was solely focused on making the game fun first.
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!