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Appreciate your getting back to me, no, I'm not terribly upset. It's clear you're starting out and figuring out how to network and such, and again, glad you like my work enough to find it an inspiration toward the direction you want to go in. It would probably be best in the long run, however to remove the assets and replace them with your own in forthcoming builds to help establish the unique voice and style of your team. For the time being, no need to rush taking things down or altering the credits or the like, just a link to my homepage at thirdhalf (dot) net and a mention off to the side or in the youtube trailer video description would be good as long as they're in there.  I figured it was just used as placeholder graphics (especially the Blue Lander that was done as a custom Twitch emote, text and all and I can't imagine a perpetual "Any Luck?" caption would look good otherwise on a finished product.)

In all honesty, I really do hate to call attention to things like this and didn't want to just automatically report the game because I love TGL and seeing fans willing to sit down and put something even remotely like it together is something I can't discourage. I wish you two the best of luck going forward and even though I can't guarantee I'll be free enough down the line for commissioning new pieces, odds are I'll still wind up streaming or otherwise sharing some future versions (not that I have a giant audience or anything!) Thank you for your time and appreciation, it's always nice to meet more TGL fans (and Slayers fans.)

