So here's a question: I played using a Steam controller. I mapped most of the buttons to keyboard keys and the right touchpad and gyro to a mouse, but I kept the analog stick at its default config; so from the game's perspective I'm using keyboard, mouse and an xinput-compatible gamepad. TAPE works a-OK with that Frankenstein of a setup (so cheers for that!), the only thing you'll notice is that the on-screen prompts switch between keys/mouse buttons and PS4 buttons depending on what your last input was, but it happens on the fly without a hitch anyway, so it's almost unnoticeable.
On the other hand, there are some games (and some big, new AAA titles too) that have way more trouble with this; sometimes pausing for a fraction of a second whenever they detect such discrepancies, and sometimes even refusing to work altogether with a control system that isn't the one you launched the game with.
Do you have any idea what could be the explanation for that? Why is it that TAPE adjusts effortlessly while some other games seem to have so much trouble?