Deadlines are like two dogs barking furiously at a closed gate, only to get confused when it suddenly opens. Interestingly, this route B timing happens to be the exact deadline I have for completing another gamejam, haha.
Just like your father, my exploration has also been guided by authors such as Tom Clancy and Bernard Cornwell. More recently, Conn Iggulden reignited my ever-present interest in Rome, one of my favorite settings! I prefer to learn by example, and these authors broaden the scope enough for me to absorb as much as possible without having to deal with setbacks.
I would absolutely love to have someone to collaborate with! I’m always helping someone out, testing things, and analyzing scripts because I enjoy playing what truly grabs my attention. I’m terrible with social media—I have WhatsApp and Discord, but not much else—but if you send me your Discord name, I’ll ask for help finding you there, and we can talk more about this collaboration, which not only interests me but also seems essential for better time management.
And let me emphasize this: writing is your strong trait, along with mechanics design! :D I think my strong trait is worldbuilding—I have a blast telling stories about places, organizations, myths, and geopolitics in general, setting up pieces on a massive board! Then, I completely fail to manage the colossal scope of what I put on the table. Just to give you an idea, the post-game content of Siege of Amal is three times the size of the actual game because I created so much stuff that I had nowhere to fit it, but I still wanted to make use of it. 🤣I'm gaining more maturity as a creator so I can make more games and less books.
The two upcoming themes I’d love to take part in are:
- RPG Maker Themed Game Jam #9: Farmer's Quest, which starts in 11 days.
- RPG Maker Themed Game Jam #10: Heir to the Throne, happening in 2 months.
If you’re interested in joining either of them, count me in! :)