I am become destroyer, caster of star shine: https://files.catbox.moe/a84jfn.mp4
Had a lot of fun, and can feel the improvements over time. The way of casting spells is still unique and cool. I kind of miss the terrain, but I'm sure that's part of the other WIP modes. Still feels like I find one really good combo and stick with it, which isn't bad, just feels like I'm neglecting the other elements.
I think some harder and more varied enemies. Like guys with shields that can only be destroyed with water, so they force you to use those elements. Maybe even some guys like this, where each hand is only vulnerable to a certain element. I think that would help some.
Slightly related to the last point, I wish enemies got harder. I could kill most with my basic spells, so the items felt like I was just "winning more", which is fun, but doesn't force me to pick a build or try and specialize at all. I guess my main criticism is general is the game doesn't seem to "scale" so you don't feel like your really improve as a player, just kill more stuff faster.
I hope it doesn't come off like I didn't enjoy the gameplay. I really do, and see tons of place to expand it which would be super fun. Look forward to playing it again next DD!