Cool prototype. Movement is a bit wonky - I appreciate the ledge grabbing, but it's not obvious, so some jumps feel like they couldn't be achieved (ledge grab activates when the ledge is a bit too high). Also you can softlock yourself if you go around and gather grappling hooks, but that seems like a player problem.
Grappling hook mechanic is really cool and seems to work well enough.
Zombie attacks are weird, it felt like their range is very inconsitent, where some zombies have a huge AOE attack which are almost impossible to escape. Also - zombie pathfinding is good, maybe too good. They are relentless and seem to be able to scale walls with their huge jumps. A bit unfair.
Needs more mechanics cuz right now there's not much to do aside from run away from zombies.
Got a couple of bugs during my playthrough.
1) Hands break when you go into the dungeon and try to attack without equipping anything. They do return to normal once you equip something.
2) A zombie managed to get my health to a negative thousand - at that point I didn't die, but also couldn't move. The day timer kept going after passing the final notch.
3) If you are on the rope and are slightly below the zombie - he will not attack and just stand there.