Cool prototype. Movement is a bit wonky - I appreciate the ledge grabbing, but it's not obvious, so some jumps feel like they couldn't be achieved (ledge grab activates when the ledge is a bit too high). Also you can softlock yourself if you go around and gather grappling hooks, but that seems like a player problem.
Grappling hook mechanic is really cool and seems to work well enough.
Zombie attacks are weird, it felt like their range is very inconsitent, where some zombies have a huge AOE attack which are almost impossible to escape. Also - zombie pathfinding is good, maybe too good. They are relentless and seem to be able to scale walls with their huge jumps. A bit unfair.
Needs more mechanics cuz right now there's not much to do aside from run away from zombies.
Got a couple of bugs during my playthrough. 1) Hands break when you go into the dungeon and try to attack without equipping anything. They do return to normal once you equip something.
2) A zombie managed to get my health to a negative thousand - at that point I didn't die, but also couldn't move. The day timer kept going after passing the final notch.
3) If you are on the rope and are slightly below the zombie - he will not attack and just stand there.
-Hands are slightly unnerving since they look like gloves, but are flesh colored.
-After teleporting with the wagon, my hands disappear(behind my head it looks like), and only come back after I scroll wheel to another quickslot. While invisible, I can still attack enemies with the punch so that's good.
-It's dark. I go into a halfpipe, but it leads nowhere and I can't seem to jump out, restart time.
-I only just realize the white thing is a chest and not a stepping stool for the wagon, lol. Maybe make it look like a chest next time.
-It turned nighttime and a monster showed up directly in front of me and hit me since it climbed up a ledge I came from and was looking at since I was trying to pick up an item. Not sure if it spawned out of nowhere or if pathfinded to me.
-Suddenly a zombie could run and attack, so I was caught offguard and died. For some reason I respawned at the start of the mines before being teleported to the start area.
-I find it not so intuitive that you can move on a rope without fear of falling, though it's nice when you know that's the case. Also, it feels like the item hitbox to pick it up is smaller than the object itself sometimes?
-I roamed around for awhile getting loot and punching fools. Think I'm done now.
Rough, but I can see how this would be fun later. Keep up the good work.
Just to clarify, by the items being hard to pick up, I meant in general not just the grapple hook. Primarily the gems, and I think there may be some other hitbox getting in the way occasionally since once time I was looking directly at the gem and it wouldn't let me pick it up until I was directly on top of it looking down.
The idea of a procedurally generated coop dungeon crawler is good. I like that the zombie enemy can chase you easily around the level.
One time a zombie spawned right on top of me and attacked me instantly. The wooden tube rooms are a bit weird for a fantasy mine. I like how easy it is to lose a grappling hook if you miss a throw, will make for some funny moments when playing it coop.
I'll try playing this with some friends when it's a bit more complete.
i like the way the enemies can jump across platforms, i might have to implement something similar in the future.
the melee range of the zombies seems pretty wide considering how small the player's is even with an axe. they can even hit you while looking in the opposite direction
4 item slots feels VERY limiting and forces the player to backtrack often. items don't even stack? why?
I like the idea of visible day/night. i plan for the game to have like 7 or 8 different "areas" with their own layouts, enemies, and special items. maybe a couple of them can be outdoor areas, or i can add some outdoor tiles to every area.
I'm torn on letting you punch with gemstones and etc. I like the idea of being defenseless unless you bring a weapon or have an empty hand. i'll play with it as the game develops
Cool prototype. Movement is a bit wonky - I appreciate the ledge grabbing, but it's not obvious, so some jumps feel like they couldn't be achieved (ledge grab activates when the ledge is a bit too high). Also you can softlock yourself if you go around and gather grappling hooks, but that seems like a player problem.
Grappling hook mechanic is really cool and seems to work well enough.
Zombie attacks are weird, it felt like their range is very inconsitent, where some zombies have a huge AOE attack which are almost impossible to escape. Also - zombie pathfinding is good, maybe too good. They are relentless and seem to be able to scale walls with their huge jumps. A bit unfair.
Needs more mechanics cuz right now there's not much to do aside from run away from zombies.
Got a couple of bugs during my playthrough.
1) Hands break when you go into the dungeon and try to attack without equipping anything. They do return to normal once you equip something.
2) A zombie managed to get my health to a negative thousand - at that point I didn't die, but also couldn't move. The day timer kept going after passing the final notch.
3) If you are on the rope and are slightly below the zombie - he will not attack and just stand there.
-Hands are slightly unnerving since they look like gloves, but are flesh colored.
-After teleporting with the wagon, my hands disappear(behind my head it looks like), and only come back after I scroll wheel to another quickslot. While invisible, I can still attack enemies with the punch so that's good.
-It's dark. I go into a halfpipe, but it leads nowhere and I can't seem to jump out, restart time.
-I only just realize the white thing is a chest and not a stepping stool for the wagon, lol. Maybe make it look like a chest next time.
-It turned nighttime and a monster showed up directly in front of me and hit me since it climbed up a ledge I came from and was looking at since I was trying to pick up an item. Not sure if it spawned out of nowhere or if pathfinded to me.
-Suddenly a zombie could run and attack, so I was caught offguard and died. For some reason I respawned at the start of the mines before being teleported to the start area.
-I find it not so intuitive that you can move on a rope without fear of falling, though it's nice when you know that's the case. Also, it feels like the item hitbox to pick it up is smaller than the object itself sometimes?
-I roamed around for awhile getting loot and punching fools. Think I'm done now.
Rough, but I can see how this would be fun later. Keep up the good work.
thanks for the feedback. lots of good stuff in here for me to work on
in the evening, zombies become faster, but this isn't really telegraphed anywhere
Just to clarify, by the items being hard to pick up, I meant in general not just the grapple hook. Primarily the gems, and I think there may be some other hitbox getting in the way occasionally since once time I was looking directly at the gem and it wouldn't let me pick it up until I was directly on top of it looking down.
Played it solo for a couple of days.
The idea of a procedurally generated coop dungeon crawler is good. I like that the zombie enemy can chase you easily around the level.
One time a zombie spawned right on top of me and attacked me instantly.
The wooden tube rooms are a bit weird for a fantasy mine.
I like how easy it is to lose a grappling hook if you miss a throw, will make for some funny moments when playing it coop.
I'll try playing this with some friends when it's a bit more complete.
i like the way the enemies can jump across platforms, i might have to implement something similar in the future.
the melee range of the zombies seems pretty wide considering how small the player's is even with an axe. they can even hit you while looking in the opposite direction
4 item slots feels VERY limiting and forces the player to backtrack often. items don't even stack? why?
I don't know why, but the visuals are strangely appealing.
-The "pause" is a filthy lie, since the game doesn't pause
-With the whole time of day system, wouldn't it be neat if the game had outdoor areas so you could see the light change
-Unless I missed it, there should be a way to punch things no matter what's in your hand.
Yeah pause SHOULD pause lol...
I like the idea of visible day/night. i plan for the game to have like 7 or 8 different "areas" with their own layouts, enemies, and special items. maybe a couple of them can be outdoor areas, or i can add some outdoor tiles to every area.
I'm torn on letting you punch with gemstones and etc. I like the idea of being defenseless unless you bring a weapon or have an empty hand. i'll play with it as the game develops