Good day, sorry for this a long-winded review.
I like the visual style, and it is complemented well by the music and sound effects. It might be that AFK clicker games are not my thing. But this is game plays more like an AFK clicker game when it felt like it wanted to be a rogue-like dice game.
First my experience, it took me somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour to complete the game. I had 41 dice at the end of the game and with 64 levels, that is about 100 rounds of left clicking and average of 25-35 rolls per round. The power scaling felt backwards, it was more advantageous to lose than to win. The extra die roll is simply the best power-up the player could earn. This design removes all player agency makes their decisions worthless. The only way to beat the game is blunt force lose the way to end. Winning only gives the player one power up which is simply not enough to defy the odds through so many levels. The lower die roll count power up is weakest because the player earns some many rolls by losing. I thought it was strange that I could roll and land on a needed number, then unlock more numbers using the +1 and -1 power-ups. But I recognize that may be by intentional design.
In my opinion to improve the game loop, reward an extra die every 2 or 3 rounds automatically with the occasional possibility to add an extra die in the end level power-up selection. The other power-ups in the reward selection window should be more than just one added. The reduce roll should be randomized between 3-4, the +1/-1 rewards should be 2, and the same saver should be randomized between 2-3. You could instead have dynamic scaling where the first few levels would offer 1 but the later levels would offer 3-4 to prevent stockpiling. Also, could consider resetting the power-ups and dice rolls when the player loops back to level 1 with a choice of to carry over some rolls/abilities. With these changes to winning, on the losing side, I recommend either having the player lose all together, restart at the current loop, or refund the spent abilities and let them try again. With some of these possible changes I think it would provide the player with a more rewarding experience.
Bug #1 - The Last Roll - The game does not wait for the last roll before the triggering the lose condition. On the second level, with one number left to hit and one die left to roll. As soon as the roll started, the lost window appeared. But in the background the die actually hit the last number. I verified this bug is consistent on other levels. Considering how much the last roll matters, this bug would be a key issue.
Bug # 2 - Wasted Rolls - Spamming left clicks burns through all the rolls without any of them counting.
With some work you might have something here. There is potential for a game players will want to play in their spare time.