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omg, the art and character designs are excellent.  there's such a strong floraverse vibe here??  you really don't see a lot of kemono-like designs in western art and i'm so glad to see it

i played both the jam and the post-jam versions, and BOY what an improvement; it was a huge grind before.  did not help that i was using a wireless keyboard from the couch, which it turns out is not an especially responsive way to play a rhythm game, whoops

it's kind of a shame that the rhythm game ends up being the core mechanic, because i think it's the weakest part?  there's not much variety to it, it ends abruptly as soon as you fill the meter, and there's the slightly goofy problem of having the background change but being unable to look at it because i'm busy playing a rhythm game.  i also can't tell if the notes are supposed to be in time with the music, but that might be a problem with me — i have a hard time playing rock band on anything less than expert, because note patterns don't make sense to me if i'm not doing something on every beat

i wish the world were bigger!  i thought the whole town would fill up over the course of the game, but once i realized that wasn't going to happen, it felt kinda desolate.  on the other hand i absolutely understand what an immense mountain of artwork that would require!

what is there is really cute and charming, with everyone oozing personality.  (except the mayor who just runs out of lines a third of the way through, even after completing everything.)  i want to spend more time in this world and meet more folks!  which is probably the highest compliment i can give

the plot unfolds nicely and has some satisfying beats — not twists, exactly, but interesting things happening that weren't obvious, which is impressive to fit into a relatively small narrative space.  the sketch easter eggs are a nice reward for poking my nose around and i really liked that we commented on them in-universe

the dialogue is a little cheesy in the sex scenes — i know it's a huge porn trope for folks to describe their Sex Feelings in detail, so maybe i'm in the minority here, but i think that works better in narration?

spoilers: girls with dicks are good.  thanks

i don't know what else to say!  i've only played a quarter of the games so far but i would not be surprised if this won overall.  fantastic job

(3 edits) (+5)

Hey, thanks for the lenghty review! :3

About the floraverse vibe - we’re fans of it and played all your games, so there’s some inspiration coming from there :D

Also there’s a Cherry Kisses reference in the Yu’s room (masturbation scene with the “Hee..”) - not sure if you noticed.

Regarding the minigame, I wanted to have some interactive replayable part in the game which would serve as the income source, but the execution is lacking because it’s not actually a rhythm game, rather some kind of a weak click-in-sync-and-ignore-the-music game. I’m planning on reworking and redesigning this section entirely because it doesn’t require any new art.

I’m very happy that you like the world (just a small village, but “world” sounds cooler) we created~! We had a few more characters planned and more story would unfold, with possible expansion to the north (a bridge through the river maybe) - but as it usually goes with a jam game, we couldn’t fit everything in in such a short time (flu season didn’t help as the artist was sick for over a week). The dialogue is heavily influenced by me reading tons and tons of doujins which usually have this kind of cheesy stuff. Maybe I should read more serious erotic literature?

Also it’s my first time writing dialogues so I need a lot of practice in this field… but I think I learned a lot writing for this game. I hope I can persuade my artist to work on this or some other NSFW games in future, because it was a lot of fun :)

Here’s a reference sheet to give you a hint of what other characters we had planned.