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Nope. It connects to your chat, which works even if you're not streaming.

well i tryed ALL those things and they don't work... any other fixes?

Try making a different twitch account??

Try restarting your ROUTER? <---- I have no idea at this point.

i tryed that 1st one already it dosent work i made anther twitch account and it has the same problem...

oh, it might be something to do with your anti-virus or firewall? Try editing the game's permission in those?

oooo that might work...

nope dident work.. ;c <----- is sad

Is it still the same case where it just keeps spinning and fails to log in?

yeah it keeps spining

This is quite the conundrum. Is it possible for you to test this on a different computer, or perhaps plugged into a different router? I'm really wondering if this is some deeply embedded connectivity issue where the connection just isn't being allowed from and to Clone Drone.

What firewall / anti virus / operating system are you currently using?

Can you successfully connect directly to Twitch's IRC? Instructions here (can use e.g. mIRC if you are on Windows):

We're going to fix the infinite spinner on connection failure but would be good to figure out why you're consistently getting a connection failure.

i have windows 7, 5 anti viruses just to be EXTRA safe, and i am not sure for firewall...

My best guess would be that one of the five anti-viruses are blocking Clone Drone's internet connections. In general for windows 7 it is best to uninstall all 3rd-party security software and use only Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Firewall. All other security software have massive zero-day holes in them and each one you have installed makes you more vulnerable to custom rootkits. This is the latest information for the security community, feel free to Google Windows Security Software and look under News. - The long and short of it is that one of those five, at the least, of those Anti-viruses are blocking Clone Drone from functioning properly,

Sorry about the rant, but there was a legit bulletin put out by some pretty smart people who know what they are talking about, and the best advice is to use Microsoft anti-virus and firewall. I know that sounds like it's straight out of 2004, via Microsoft's own branding, but I swear it's the path of least vulnerability. You have my QA endorsement for the plan I lay out. But only if you are running all updates as soon as they are available, otherwise your best option is to update to Windows 10. Again I know that sounds straight out of Microsoft's own branding, but if you look on any zero-day website, you'll see just how much a soup of vulnerability Windows 7 is. Especially when you run 3rd-party security software.

This. Just this. On SO many levels. The best malware/antivirus is common sense, closely followed by UBlock Origin. Don't really need anything else if you've got both.