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I get your point, but in what way are these things really necessary? I guess in the sense there's a social obligation behind it, but such a rule here just feels forced an inappropriate. Out of place at best and a burden at worst. 

I just don't think such a statement should be there out of obligation even when it makes no sense. If somethings being included purely out of such obligations, all I can think is grow a little back bone. 

At the least, these rules could do with being more precise on whats allowed. "and there has been some REALLY dark stuff", do you have any examples of what kinds of things you mean? ( I don't need you to find links or anything, I'm just curious what kind of content this includes).


These statements are necessary because there are some people that are 'too nasty' and there are some dark corners (not 'horror' corners) of itch. Lots of other jams are very strict about the content allowed, these are not. And I know you said no links but I got some. It's all about the content warning.

Cockneck from Screamworld came to mind immediately. This one you really should just play. Affection And ScreamCity was like, nothing but darkness

And as the hosts said, I suggest you join the discord to chat. We're super nice.

Frankly, because there is way, way, way too much homophobic and transphobic horror in the world already, itch is a place with a lot of LGBTQ+ makers and players, and there is literally no reason to put up with creators who are clearly using their platform to make other people feel unwelcome for existing. (The same goes for racism and people it targets, xenophobia, etc.)