This is a smallish game, but of all the games I've played so far, it was one of the most fun. It's based on an original idea, it's nicely paced, it's got some nice puzzles and it has very few bugs.
I played version 0.9.0. I think you might have fixed most of the issues raised by others, as I didn't strike them. Here's what I found...
Consider overriding the default CREDITS with your own. You can still see the system credits with *CREDITS.
Consider overriding the system HELP with your own, as the default response is longer than 6 words.
It's nice to see you start the game with something in your inventory. It's the first game to do so (so far).
"Mr." and "Mrs." should be "Mr" and "Mrs" respectively, as they're contractions, not abbreviations. I know that Joe Public usually puts a full stop after them, but Joe Public is wrong.
It didn't understand LOCK & UNLOCK, even though you have a locked door.
You can't CLOSE GATE, even though you can open it.
"You ring but..." should be "You ring, but..."
"satsfied" should be "satisfied".
You're missing a full stop after "...vermin-infested kitchen". I think this was the only culprit, but it wouldn't hurt to check the other sentences, just in case.
I guessed what to say to the clerk at the Record Department before I received the hint from the fisherman. Dee noted this, as well. I'm not sure how to get around this unless the fisherman gives you something to give to the Record Department.
Similarly, I guessed what to say to Mrs Nguyen before reading the newspaper. Perhaps if you didn't mention her by name in the first room.
You've used "Philippe" and "Phillipe" for the same character. I think the former is correct.
Following on from what Adventuron was saying about EXAMINE vs READ, I personally prefer these to be different. When examining signs, you could say something about the appearance of the sign itself like "Bolted to wall." or "Big white sign with black writing.", or simply "Something's written on it." Reading reveals what you get now with EXAMINE and READ.
And that's all I could find to complain about. You're making my job too easy!