Already did some other random stuff, so, here's your GREAT BIG SPOILER ALERT!
I ended up making the most messed up screenshot of AEWVS, and oh boy, this is going to be the most exciting thing in a while lol

Yep. Messed it up all the way. It should all be in the picture
In fact, you know what, actually? The first person to make a picture messier than this one gets a PRIZE. Just tell me what AEWVS-related prize you want and you can get it when you're done.
Anyway, here's a few other random things I did
I want to see if you can get the Albert and Lil Puss endings at the same time in Version 0.1.5 but unfortunately I already got both of those achievements so there you go.
I also got myself on the edge of reality
I mean obviously nothing's gonna be behind the door and I'm just gonna fall into the abyss and respawn. But what about the item?
Oh, yeah, and Albert was present at the time, so I was going to introduce him to his skull, but he disappeared just like the others too. Maybe something special should happen! Like, if you have Albert on hand, maybe you can dive in and see what's through the door or about the skull! The Store's more pressing though.