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A member registered Sep 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's not - it's an original (although inspired) project developed in Unreal Engine from the ground up

(But even some mods are sold on Steam)


Haha, you used a difference-blend on separate screenshots, didn't you! Nice trick ;)

That happened to me as well. The game went in the proper position once I closed it and reopened it, maximising it while it was booting up

I walked backwards into what ended my game once I was lucid

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You're gonna force people to invent GIF screenshots, mister

And then your entire game will just be pointless

That seems rather soon. How much would you be willing to bet on it

You know he's busy making a bunch of stuff in VOTV, right

And he's gotten pretty tired of AEWVS for several reasons, including:

  1. The fanbase
  2. The premise and association with Baldi (who's become derogatory)
  3. The heccing code blocks and blueprint stacks

He released the project files for AEWVS at some point and he was going to make AEWVS Remastered (as well as ABIBAZ Remastered) but decided not to for the time being, since he was more interested in other things


Don't forget UDGame

No I haven't even played it in years

Nobody apart from MrDrNose seems to have been directly involved in the development of AEWVS itself. Maybe apart from a few contributors like the person who made the new Viktor sprite. I haven't worked on anything in AEWVS but I did program some very early prototype code for a fangame

Intente ingresar a la configuración y definir los controles

For now, it seems that it is. Still, as long as the guy doesn't die, I will passively hold out hope that he returns someday

Get the project files

STOP DYING!!!!!!!!!!

I've seen worse. Pretty horrifying things, actually

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I assume it's just [aː.ˈdʒiː.mɪ.ˌa]

Tried testing it at IPA reader but it didn't sound quiiiiite right. Oh well, I guess it's good enough. I'm just gonna assume I wrote it right

I was talking about the birthday. AEWVS ABC would kind of be a sort of remaster/expansion of the original game, but of course it'll be different to the original AEWVS in many ways. Maybe you can talk to the communities at Discord servers about getting people to help, like the one for the fanon wiki, or other ones. They already made an expansion, by the way, though I'm a bit sceptical about it for some reason since it could only be filler content to complete the History Level

Does he spawn in a random part of the map

I suppose so. Sorry I didn't pay attention

Then it seems like I died for no reason

I love how all the characters just describe themselves

However I don't like the slow handling on the character. You should be able to just move in a direction almost as soon as you decide to do so. And even a car accelerates better than the character

Also I sometimes go to the main menu for no reason in the middle of a game

I autosaved after being stranded somewhere with the food meter at like 8 while carrying an ATV with an empty tank and taking a nasty fall after running down a hill

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Starving, lost and running around carrying an exhausted ATV over my head with the headlights on (they have free power all the time) after pretty much failing to do the second day because I was too busy trying to get around on the ATV and find the satellites and then feeling tired and sleeping the day away

I can't believe there are no signposts or trails leading to the satellites around the border

Autosave is gonna consign me to effectively softlocking in starvation before I manage to earn the monies to actually eat something and not die

Also I feel like I'm gonna end up not playing the game properly because you're not supposed to save-scum and all the rest of it in order to survive and win


  • Change the error response for writing "sv.hash" on the base terminal from "err" to "No hashcodes for base terminal; use satellite terminals to access their hashcodes" or something explanatory like that
  • Add a feature that prevents autosave because there just isn't one
  • Maybe add save slot duplication
  • Maybe multiply the stamina consumption by some factor while carrying the ATV or something. Or not. It seems funny to cheese it's capabilities by running around with it giving free light over your head like a smurf
  • Maybe make the ATV headlights connected to the fuel supply

Yeah, I missed it this time around.

Well, that figures. I really have to work on myself before I can focus on more things. My attention seems to be divided enough as it is

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If you have a 7Z file, use 7-Zip to extract the contents and then run the EXE file

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I got so hungry while I tried to figure out how to work the microwave (without breaking it on the trash) that I started hallucinating hamburgers. And now the shrimp pack is mysteriously gone

I have so much trash everywhere but I absolutely do not want to ask how to get rid of it because that would be cheating

I mean... It was more than just that. But, it does seem like not much is happening now

lik if u cri evertim

Honestly I was on a roll with the station this time, too \(-_-)/

Got a fatal error two times while trying to use the signal processing station in the tutorial. Took me quite a few minutes, too, they did ¦/

I'll try and play it myself for a bit. I mean, I beat IWBTG totally blind so I think I can handle this

Is it because you can't use Discord, or because you don't know I have a server

(There's a list of social media on my page if you want to look)

Trust me, I would love it if we could get everyone to meet up together and resolve the whole matter definitively

Found the ten-millionth post of Itch, huzzah

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It's been a while, but yesterday I got around to playing the story mode of VOTV. I was tired then, and proceeded to sleep through something about an hour later, but it hit way too close to home for me. I freed some space on my computer, so it turned out the tutorial didn't actually just crash when I went on the slides, and there was more to it, but honestly I wasn't interested in taking the time to learn about things then, rather than doing so as I went when I wanted to do certain specific things.

Problem was, I didn't really know what to do.

First I had to fiddle with the controls to grab a suitcase containing a certificate that I felt had fraudulently been presented to me, and I couldn't go past the threshold so I spent a while running across the long wall of fence trying to get past it, but, failed. Then I returned to the checkpoint and decided to see if I could head to the base. I could use the flashlight in the tutorial, but not here because apparently you had to drop the suitcase (which I already wasn't very comfortable doing, since that would make it a loose object that could fly or get whisked away by something - at least that's how I felt) and fetch the batteries to use it. Also, I felt like having fiddly and slightly-convoluted controls was gonna be a problem if I ever needed to protect myself or do something quick, because I wouldn't be able to do much more than either just run around or stop and make myself exposed so I could handle a bunch of items. So for a while I couldn't read the signs because it was night-time and the render quality was...a bit low and indistinct, probably, but still a bit laggy. That meant I got lost and just ended up at a satellite running around on a dark balcony. Then I felt really, really lost. So I left and decided to run somewhere to try and find where I was supposed to go, ended up in the water, scrambled my way out and found myself back at the checkpoint. Great. So I opened the suitcase and used the batteries. Took me a while to get there, but I did.

Yeah, the place was a mess. I felt like the place didn't belong to me and I was simply intruding. Normally this would be fun, since I like to run around and explore stray construction sites around town, but I was feeling really tired and I felt bad because I couldn't just have a moment of collapsing on the laptop out of exasperation because the plug was broken and I would have to mess with it trying to make the exposed internal wires connect and stay put again if I did that. The lights were all out so it was really dark in there, and there were no light switches to be found. When I got to the signal processing room I saw there were actually some bar-lights on the ceiling, so I moved over a desk to see if I could do anything with them and I couldn't. The combination of the place being dark, laggy and trashed gave everything a sense of discomforting claustrophobia that I simply wouldn't have if I was running around at the shops instead, and I also felt like I was under pressure because of my food and sleep gauges going down. If you've been on my Discord server and read my speeches, you know what having a messy place that's overwhelming yet apparently having limited clear options while you struggle with ADHD and slow stagnation and self-neglect does to you. Eventually I drove out the buggy thing. But it didn't make me feel better because I was tired and disturbing the place would make it more chaotic and trashed than it already is. Plus, the controls were simple but also fiddly, it seemed. Left the headlights on when I got off it at some point and I immediately started worrying about whether it would run out of power when I couldn't even see how much it had, so I went back.

Tried going on the main computer station in a bit of desperation to try and do something, but just like the tutorial, I read a couple of emails, and everything was just long paragraphs and clusters of text and meta-exposition that I couldn't remember or skim through. Then I deleted both of those emails for some reason, so now I was really stuck. The game was auto-saving all the while as I did this, while I was slowly starving, so I just gave up and went to bed. The sun rose as I woke up, some event happened that dropped my sleep gauge, I went back to sleep again, I couldn't go back to sleep, I wandered around the place, and then I gave up and closed the game and slept through something as I mentioned earlier. Everything was just too overwhelming for me and aside from exactly two paragraphs of two deleted emails from two people, I had nothing guiding me on specifically what to do. I didn't need to live a double-life where one life was just as disorderly as the other one. I might get back to the game later, at some point when I get to the laptop again - which I'm sure you can wait for since it's been many months since I wrote that comment about the tutorial - but for now I suppose I'm just going to get over that. I didn't want to stay stuck in the tutorial for much longer since I already outran the spook and did a bunch of experiments that seemed fun and didn't progress to the main game for a really long time, but I suppose I'll have to stay there anyway until I get an intuitive grasp on how the game goes. Then I'll be able to deal with the base I stepped and ran around in, and find a way to accept and claim it as my own. No idea where to start but I suppose I'll restart and not delete those emails next time, as well as be patient and know when to stop and take a break or think things over.

Yeah it's one of these speeches again :P

Hopefully that was at least nostalgic to see, the stereotypical long walls of text on MrDrNose game pages by FireyDeath4, even if previous ones (and even this one) sounded very silly

I should probably give you a free cookie as an act of courtesy or something. Sigh... 🍪 Here you go

Calm down or consult a lawyer

Yelling here doesn't do anything

Go in the settings and make the mouse sensitivity >0 \(-_-)/

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What an experience

(NQS why I'm still here)

I heard he lives in Kazakhstan actually. You may want to check though