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Oh gosh, I feel so guilty now that it's been forever since I last visited my page and found so many kind reviews in here >///<

Sorry guys! I've been away since I'm focused on doing my job as CG artist at a VN kickstarter called Queen's Crown and my new VN in progress; Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle. I updated every Monday in Lemmasoft and my Facebook Fanpage if you're curious ><

Ahem, so here I go with replying the comment section; again, I'm really sorry for these super late reply Q_Q

Hi Artemis!

Wow, I'm blown away by your enthusiasm and love :'D
This made my day a lot brighter and motivated me to do better + faster progress in my next VN! I can't wait to show it to you guys, really x'D

1. Ah, someone that understands Rama's complex and bitter-sweet story!
A lot of people chose Reksa for the reasons you listed but the majority of them didn't like the 'darkness' of Rama's story, so this is great! -and yes, Mitra is a lot 'mellow'er than Rama or Reksa :'3
You see, I was kinda experimenting with 'light-hearted/easy' story + 'medium' story + 'hard' story and see if my audience will like them or not. So far, 'medium' (Reksa) wins!
I have to admit that his story developed better than I thought it would be; especially the sexual theme. I didn't expect it to be that... intense? x'DD Gosh, I'm still blushing whenever I read his romantic scenes... What was I thinking when I write those? Hahahah, anyway! Sometimes, things that I didn't plan to happen, happened by itself when I write/program his story. The same also happened with the other's routes!

All in all, thank you for giving all three of them a chance!

2. Yes! I love indonesian culture and hope to insert them into my VNs as much as I could. I'm flattered to hear you like the story though :'D there are still so much to learn and I hope to write more interesting stories in the future. I just hope you're patient with me since I write slow ><

3. Hahahah, yes I noticed that the art is problematic -Oh, don't get me started with the quality control :'D I've always have been unstable with it and it have just improved a bit last year when I started working as CG artist in Queen's Crown. Gods, I owe a big one for my boss since she helped me breakthrough the quality control thing x'D

But hey! Thanks for reminding me and I'll do my best to keep up the good story-telling :'3 credits are to the awesome BGMs and the bloody SFXs though x'D I'm a bit of a perfectionist and irritated myself with them lol. That's why it took a long time for me to program them to be honest :'D

4. Yep, my next project is Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle. I always update on Mondays in Lemmasoft or my facebook fanpage if you're curious about it! xD Stalk me if you want. I love my stalkers! *cough*

5. Aww you made me blush, saying my game is good enough to be sold >///< I'm really hoping Bermuda can make it in IndieGoGo but it's still a bit far in the future. I'll be depending on you to share it later :'3

It's been really fun reading your comment, Artemis. But the most important thing that moves me is... as I read your review, I can't help but to grin like an idiot over here :'D

There's nothing I can add since you know my babies so well like they're yours and there's nothing I can ask for more. This is the best thing a developer could ask for; players understanding my 'baby', had fun with it, immersed in it, and loving it; if not more than I do.

I hope to see you again in the future!

