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(2 edits)

Thanks.   Some of the above is intentional.     There was guidance about an intro *graphic*, but not a loading sequence before the game starts, so I stuck to the two words rule, keeping it to two words per line.  If you check there is only one space character and two sequences of letters and hyphens on each line, even though the line might be quite long :)

re: the ramps.. Initially this was meant to be a spiral, with a puzzle, but I ran out of time.   I wanted to keep the idea that it was deep underground, but the two-word limit prevents an idea of depth, so I just kept the ramps.    They also give a sense of panic when you're escaping the rock fall.    And yes, there is a timer, if you hang about too long you'll get crushed.  And yes, there is an indicator when you're running out of time... But you hadn't hit it yet (I didn't want to kill the player TOO soon, it's meant to be a fun easy game, not a punishing one).  

The end of the game is meant to be a twist.  I had considered having the missing human return, but it just seemed a nice place to end.   After all, humans aren't all that important by the end, it's all about the AIs :) 

I'll block off the lift after you ascend.

I'll have a look at the other suggestions... Some of them aren't possible, but I'll see if I can sort the rest out!   In some places, the two word limit just makes a game unnecessarily obscure. I had difficulty making some things meaningful.   Room descriptions especially.  We have up to six words to make a room description. I chose to use two to try and keep the spirit of the game, but it's tricky to avoid just having synonyms  "Empty Galley " -> "Abandoned Kitchen"  for instance...   I

Thanks for the breakdown, will go through it with a fine toothed comb later on, with a strong coffee and see what can be amended.



Quoting from the game jam rules (4th bullet point):

"Locations descriptions and object names should be a maximum of TWO words and displayed without an article ("a", "an", "some")..."

I could have sworn that it once said you could not provide any descriptive text for the room description, only what was in the status bar. So I must have misread it, or the rules changed at some point. I saw the rules very early (before submissions were open) and based my design on that. Imagine my surprise when I wanted to check something a few weeks later and the rules had just about doubled in size. Whoa...