The original resident evil and silent hill games came a bit before my time, so I'm not as used to the controls as much of this game's audience likely is. That being said, I understand that these controls help bring make this game like those games, and could be a something that could potentially draw in a lot of fans of the original silent hill and resident evil games. However, I think that maybe if there was an option to use the mouse to turn instead of a and d, it would be more comfortable to non-veterans of the genre. As of writing this comment, I have not yet finished, and i'm sure that i'll adjust as a play more, but I just wanted to put this out there, as I'm sure a lot of the people here are already use to this control scheme.
(PS, I really liked what I've played so far)
*Edit: I have beaten the game and over time it did get a bit better to control however I think my original point still stands
**Edit edit: my original point definitely still stands, I started walking funny after playing this