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I liked the creative destruction mechanics (couldn't find much of a use for the fire though), but felt I never had much freedom to play with them, knowing that if I got something wrong, I'd have to start the level again. Saving the key progress between deaths could be a good way to allow for more experimentation.

Overall though, a solid take on the theme!


Thanks for the review! We did consider saving key progress between deaths, but decided against it because we did want there to be some kind of stakes and challenge. When you die, the tiles reset (otherwise we'd have to add another way to reset the level if you accidentally made it unplayable). So if the keys don't reset, then you don't have to find a solution that works to get all the keys; you just have to find a solution for each key individually since your key progress is restored when you die. We might develop this more after the jam, and if we do then we could add a sandbox mode so you can play with the mechanics. 

As for the fire, I did realize after making it that its use was limited. But here's a fun fact that might help you make better use of it: fire doesn't spread to empty tiles, which means if you cut off the fire (for example, by using the beam tool (#2)), you can limit the area it affects.