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I don't understand how to play this? I get that I can destroy blocks, but what's the objective? Do I need to destroy a certain number? Am I trying to get to a certain location? Am I just destroying blocks for fun? Also, it seems like my weapon can only destroy a small number of blocks at a time, which is really frustrating and makes the game feel tedious. I discovered I can walk through walls and destroy them, which is fun, but shortly after I did that the word "loser" showed on the screen. I don't know what I did wrong, and being called a "loser" feels a bit like a personal insult (I'd rather see "you lose" than "loser"). This feels like a destruction game, but not a discovery game. Not a particularly original game, but maybe I'd think otherwise if I could figure out how this game is supposed to work. The sound effects are decent and the wind sound is nice, but there is no music so the atmosphere feels a little empty. Graphics are decent, except that the coloring is such that everything looks washed out (like there's a translucent white over everything) and that makes the game feel (more) bland. Maybe this is actually a cool game and I just don't understand it, but as it is I'm not particularly impressed.