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Blowing the tiles up is quite cathartic, but my goodness, I really wanted to be able to zoom out. I was making leaps of faith far too often for my liking, and more often than not they ended up with me having to start the level all over again.

Thanks for your review! Seems like the level design is our biggest complaint. We ran out of time to implement our original plan for level design (procedural generation), so we had less time for hardcoded level design and playtesting than would have been ideal. (Lesson learned for future jams, I guess.) We'll definitely keep your feedback in mind for future games and for any future work on this game.

Would you prefer being zoomed out further so you can see more tiles at once, or would you rather the platforms just be closer together? Changing the zoom and changing the level design are two different ways to fix the "leap of faith" issue, but we wouldn't necessarily have to do both to fix the issue, so I was curious if you had a preference.