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Hey Dasius,

This is a great game for Alpha, you have done really well. I just wanted to let you know about a few bugs I found.

1. When your in the pause screen after hitting [ESC] sometimes the mouse cursor disappears. The fix for me has been to click the [LEFT] mouse button. This does reset the cursor, however I almost started a new game in the process :)

2. I was placing 3 ingots on the anvil and the last ingot I placed vanished, however the item I was trying to create (Great-sword Blade) still worked, seems like the ingot just went invisible or something.

3. I was crafting the same great-sword from #2 on the table and after I placed the two handed guard on the blade, the whole assembly spun sideways and got stuck inside the table. I couldn't dislodge it, I tried to restart the game and load my save, however that did not fix it. I had to start a new game :(

4. After reloading my save I experienced a bug that made all the blades and hammerheads in my shop heat back up!

5. Sometimes when loading the game back up, the graphics glitch out to all the colors being black and red. The fix for me was hitting the reset button in the graphic settings.

6. After ordering two items at once (one hand grip & pole-arm grip) I broke the pole-arm box and tried to pick it up and grabbed the other box instead, which basically sent my pole-arm handle on a sub-orbital spaceflight, I couldn't find it afterwards. Out 10 bucks ;)

Also one last thing however its more of a question for you then a bug really, you decide. I was wondering if the controls to rotate an object while its held in you hand is meant to permanently rotate the object, because if I release [ALT] or [CTRL] or both, then the item snaps back to the old orientation it had before I rotated it.

Hi Quartermaster!

Thanks for all the great input! Here's a little info on some of the bugs you've found:

  • #1: The cursors can be finicky, I've had them disappear on me too. Scary when you're not sure what will be clicked!
  • #2: The 3rd ingot snapped into the same location as one of the other 2, which is why it disappeared. Sometimes when this happens you'll get the 2 ingot output instead of 3. You can use RMB to drag the hidden ingot out from under the other to fix this.
  • #3: The weapons assemble in the orientation of the part you're currently holding. Try to make sure the part you're holding with RMB is parallel (flat) with the table surface to minimize the stuck weapon bug. If something does get stuck you can usually use Alt and Ctrl to rotate it free.
  • #4: They'll heat back up and and weapons you've premade will be disassembled. Dasius is working on the fix.
  • #5: You're right, the reset button is the best fix for the dark/blurry screen at the moment.
  • #6: This is the unfortunate consequence of physics based items. Perhaps the weights of things could be changed around to minimize this? I'm not sure how Dasius will resolve this one in the long run.
  • #7 (unlabeled): Release the Right Mouse Button while still holding Alt, then grab the item with the Right Mouse Button again, this will reset the item's orientation to whatever position you rotated it into (if you release Alt first, it will return to its original orientation).

Again, thanks for the response! I hope you're enjoying this game as much as I am! Happy Smithing!