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can you make a easy mode? there are way too many attacks on the first day and you foget to explore all the features. it is a nice idea,but i can not get a base started. whenever i try it gets eaten by the shark. if you could make an NO SHARK setteing, it would be a more exploration type game,unless it's not meant to be that way.

There isn't any exploration to be done. Currently, the point is to defend your raft from the shark. Not having the shark would make it exceptionally boring (people are already complaining about it being boring :/ ) and there would be no challenge.

Use your hook to get as much wood and scrap as you can, and make a spear, first. Then make your nets.

I do agree, though, that the shark is quite obnoxious at times. I saw someone post something about anti-shark spikes to put on the edges, which I like. I hope the creator incorporates something like that. A while back, I suggested temporary islands, which I also really hope the implement. Everyone seems to want an island, but nobody is suggesting how to avoid it becoming an island survival (except me lul)