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A couple of bugs I have noticed, running MyLittleBlackSmithShop_Win64_Alpha_02 version (newest right now):

1. Sometimes when giving the customers their order, they will do some interesting things, such as spin in a circle and not reach the exit, sometimes while also creating 2-3 new orders and then stopping. Sometimes they'll spin in circles and then just stand still, so a new customer won't come.

2. Ingots disappear sometimes when putting them on the anvil. However, it doesn't seem to affect what you can make AND it's avoidable if you drop the ingots on the anvil from a little ways up.

3. I've had some issues with grips not attaching to guards/heads. I have no idea what causes it, it seems to happen randomly.

4. Sometimes when assembling weapons, they get stuck in the workbench.

5. When editing the sign, sometimes the UI for editing doesn't go away.

A temporary fix for 1, 4, and 5 is saving, opening sandbox, then returning to shop mode. I have no idea what my specs are but I run the game on the highest for all settings and never have any issues so my specs aren't the problem, I don't think. Thanks for listening, I'm sure you've heard some of these before and probably know of some of them but I though I'd provide a report regardless.


Hi James! Quick note about #2: The disappearing ingot issue seems to be the result of an ingot snapping into the same location as an ingot that is already on the anvil. After an ingot disappears, if you grab the ingot on the anvil with RMB and move it around, you can usually wiggle it loose and put it in an open spot. Happy Smithing!