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Alrighty! Now that I have finished playing, I am going to be happy to answer these questions. 

    1. Which guy did you like the most and why?: Reksa. I like his route the most because I felt I had the most information about both sides of the war. Plus, I found it to have the most romance while also giving both points of view. My second favorite was Mitra since he was just a marshmellow and such a treat to talk to. Rama is my least favorite simply because he was just a jerk and his personality switches were a bit scary (though his route does make sense and was still fun to play).
    2. Do you play a lot of otome/visual novels? What made you choose to play Nusantara? I do play a bunch of otome/visual novels. I play them frequently becase I like the interactiveness of it. I decided to play Nusantara because of the unique themes, plus I had never seen a "lizard man" interest before. I also greatly enjoyed the art style. All the guys also felt like they had personalities beyond sterotypes which is always refreshing. 
    3. Which element of the game would you say was the best and which ones would you say need work? Consider story, art, characters, music etc.: I would say the best are the art, characters, and music. These aspects had a great harmony and the world was also built very well (thank you for the map graphic!). I think the only thing that needs work is fleshing out Rama's route. His route had a lot of overlap with Mitra's so it felt that he was a little forgotten. Overall though, I found this to be a pleasant experience and the play time was perfect.
    4. Do you have any other questions, comments or constructive criticism?: Keep up the good work! I love finding new developers and seeing them flourish and I think you are doing a great job. Now I have to go find Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle to play it as well! :D

Hi, MermaidVictory!
Thank you for dropping by and answering my questions! -^.^-

1. Congrats on finishing all three routes! Thank you for giving them all a chance and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself~ I see that Reksa is still our number 1 bachelor x'D and yes, his route gives you a lot more information compared to the other ones, which is why I recommend to play his route last~
And I agree with your opinion about Mitra and Rama! Rama's route turned out to be darker than I expected--and oh, if you're planning to play Bermuda next, fair warning; the bad endings darker than Winged Ones >< 

2. Thank you! I try my best to make my boys unique--if you ask me, we need more otome games with demi human bachelors! I'm planning to stick around with fantasy genre. 
Hopefully, I will be able to make lighthearted stories with a fairy tale quality in the future~

3. Thank you! I'm really happy to hear you like my art!
I still have space for improvement though, especially in the quality control department ><; 

4. I will! Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions!
I'll look forward to hear your thoughts about Bermuda ^.^)/


Hello SweetChiel!

I appreciate the heads up and I will most definitely keep your warning in mind for Bermuda. I did finish the demo the other day and was genuinely sad when the demo ended. I wanted more!

OH! Speaking of Bermuda, while I was playing I noticed that if you rename the character and then look at the status in the menu, it still shows the default character name (Maya).

Looking forward to the next Bermuda update - and if there is somewhere better to bring up these things, please let me know!

Have a good day,


Aah! I didn't notice! O.O 
Thanks for telling me, Mermaid Victory! I'll change it ASAP to 'Your Status' ^.^

You can keep telling me about these via comment or go to my facebook and chat with me~

I really appreciate the help and I'm very happy to hear you like Bermuda's demo!
