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Hello! You know what they say: "money is the senews of war". And this game is the very definition of it. You have no level: everything is money. Want better stats? Pay! Want more skills? Pay! Want more party members? Pay! This is an interesting way to go through in an RPG and it allows you to have some control over your characters' growth.

- I really like how you've done your on-map encounters. The starting of the fight depending on the position of your main character. If you're attacked from the back, the enemy have the advantage. If you attack from their back, you are advantaged. This invites you to strategize your position on the map, and that's excellent.

- OMG! The monster respawns on TIMER! I never saw that before in a RPG Maker game, that's amazing!

- Past a moment gathering optimal equipment, I ended up with Caede receiving no damage from most monsters in the game...

- I don't get the difference between the different monsters on the map, they doesn't seem to be any different upon contact. It could have been nice if each monster sprite represented a different monster group or another series of monster group on the overworld.

- Ester cannot learn Wind Sickles because the game pretends to she already know the move. I suspect it might be a side effect of Caede having learned Punching Pennies, because before that the event works "properly" (as long as Caede doesn't learn Punching Pennies you can keep wasting golds learning Ester a spell she already have). If that's so, I strongly invite you to double check ALL your conditions to prevent such things from happening in the future.

- Recruiting the necromancer at the mercenary's guild softlocks the game. PSA for anyone willing to try the game out: do not recruit the girl with the black hair or you will get stuck.


- OH SHIT, I CAN GET UP THERE? Something tells me I shouldn't be able to...

- There is no Formation option in the menu. If you recruit more than two mercenaries at a time, you will find yourself with unusable party members. Hopefully, they can join you once the contract of the previous ones will be over.

- So... I'm lost. Sorry, I didn't managed to finish your game. I did find a Silver Key, but none of the locked door would open, I tried to recruit every mercenary I could (except the necromancer, obvs) and I have no idea what to do next. Guess, I'm too stupid to figure out. XD

Actually, this game impressed me at first, but the more I played the more I realized the flaws your game had. Wait... Did I said "flaw"? No, that's not accurate. The best way to talk about these is... "oversights". And it's perfectly fine, even me I wouldn't be surprise there is oversights in my game too. This game is nice overall, but the bugs ended up making it less enjoyable than it could have been.

With that said, I wish you good luck for the Game Jam and, also, good luck for your future projects! ^^


Thanks for playing it, your feedback was helpful. I did not even know about the bug that lets you get up on the wall, or the one with Ester's skills. I had thought I had tested those out, so I'm not sure what I changed after it that broke it. As far as the mercs, there is a check that should prevent you from hiring more than 2, which worked in testing but must be something else I missed.

A lot of people seemed to forget about the key item menu when it came to using the...key...item...yeah I guess it is not something people are accustomed to having to do because it happened on several playthroughs.

(1 edit)

You're welcome! I enjoyed the ride while it lasted! ^^

Actually, the key is greyed out in the menu, hence unusable. So... I don't exactly know how I'm supposed to use it if even the doors themselves doesn't react to it.

That is very strange, it worked on the last playthrough I saw....grrr :(


Alright, GOOD NEWS! I figured that if you press B on the keyboard, you access a menu from where you CAN use the Orb and the Key! Now, I wonder why I can't use them from the inventory? I always managed to use the Blessed Icon from the inventory, I never had to use the B button, why would I do for the Orb and the Key? Also, being the dumbass I am, of course, I missed the tutorial explaining the utility of the B button (I started a new game up to that point just to be sure).


Anyway, finished the game, blown the final boss' ass (Shopping Spree is broken), got the best ending. And I like how it turned out. Soooo... Good job on that. That doesn't solve the softlock and other problems, but I had fun with your game overall.

Good job with it!