I don't intend to make a unity package for this (or the Dungeon set). I don't know much about Unity so don't feel particularly comfortable giving specific advice about it. From memory, when I setting up the Overworld tileset for Unity I followed the instructions in the manual (here) and a blog post on the Unity blog (here). Things may have changed in Unity since that blog post and since I made that package. A quick search of 'unity tilemap' on youtube brings up more than a few more recent tutorials, so I'd probably start there.
Sorry I can't help more!
Thanks for the reply. I know a lot about Unity, but I come from the 3D world and I'm new to tilemaps and such. I did notice that there are some importers for unity that will take maps from Tiled and bring them in. Perhaps I'll give that a go.
This is the asset that looks like it could do it. I just want to have auto tiling setup without having to spend too much time on it. I guess I'll roll up my sleeves and see how it goes. :D