Thanks for playing :)
The click to use weapon thing is the most complained about thing about the game - I got comments about it at the mid-way point too. I did it just to avoid having to add another system - I already wasted a load of time adding the crafting system which is almost entirely non-functional! (it's just used for part of the story).
It also meant that it was very easy to add new items - every item optionally has a "use" which is independent of everything else - so a key implements its use to open doors, an apple implements its use to fill the hunger bar, and weapons implement their use to kill nearby zombies. This saved some time when I needed to fill the world with stuff.
I hope to return to this idea and I will include a proper equipment system then.
I was also not sure about the tutorial. I was concerned that if people didn't know that zombies and items are degradable and non-replacing then they'd treat it like any normal survival game and just waste everything, and people didn't realise at first how to e.g. shoot a zombie - so I included that. But I agree the tutorial is quite long with a big information dump - maybe it could have been handled better with some in-game tips the first time you play.
Did you notice the tutorial uses the character that you picked? I was quite proud of that :D