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Citizen Of Mêlée

A member registered Jan 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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Found a puzzle level - really liked the frogger-like bit but then got stuck at a bit where a platform was turning away from me and all i could do was fall off!

Puzzle levels?!?!? I need to give this another go!

I went back and finished it. We did have the solution wrong.

The last puzzle is really good :)

We found the chest just by digging out everything - but never found the keys!

We probably played it wrong or missed something obvious - but I think there needs to be a bit more guidance on what you should be doing at any given time.

The digging mechanic worked great and the world was well put together. I'll give it another go later and see if I can actually figure out what I'm supposed to do :p

I really like this.

I think it needs a lot of tweaking in terms of the instructions you can give and why you'd give them in such a way. In our play through it devolved to straight, right, right, straight, left - and there wasn't really any reason to do any different.

I think there's so much you could potentially do with this though, and it's a great start. Please do finish it up!

I liked this.

The colour mixing game is absolutely impossible though - I'd find it difficult if I was playing both roles.

I'm not sure if figuring out the rules of the game non-verbally is part of it. If so then I think that could be communicated better - if not then I think the rules of each game could be.

It's fun though and has a lot of potential - really smooth transitions between minigames etc. too. really good work

I liked this. It feels really well put together for a jam game, multiple levels, etc.

I like the idea of finding the memories - though as far as I can see only one made it into the game? (the horse). It didn't seem to communicate why (or even that) you could now double jump after finding it.

Would the intention have been to introduce more mechanics as you find more memories?

I found the jumping a little unsatisfying - I think you could play around with the weight of the jump a bit more to make it feel better - but that's something that happens over a lot of tweaking, not a 2 week jam.

Do finish it off as I'd like to try it again :)

Good job :)

It really feels like you could have just had once you leave the gate it spawns you onto a new level and it'd make it feel that much more complete!

Then throw on a score which continues until you die and it's a real game :D

The level generation seems to be working well - which is the bit I was suspicious of when I saw your video last week.

This was excellent.

On the stream Tom's antivirus didn't like it so you can't see his background behind it - but I played it myself afterwards and it works great.

Similar to last year's game but I think it worked smoother - less flashing of windows etc.

I think it would have benefited from the platforms on the background not being just a white square as this made it quite hard to spot them against my windows - having a border or something would have helped.

Really nice jam game though - it even has a cutscene!

Your time estimate of 1 hour is very accurate!

I enjoyed this - when we played it I think we missed the strategy around placing the search tokens (or whatever they were called) until it was too late - so I spent much of the late game taking research for 3 points then picking my research card back up.

It felt like maybe there was an issue where it was pretty optimal to put down a token and then dig it up on the next turn - and nobody else can move and dig quickly enough to stop that. But if we were using those tokens more strategically that might be less of an issue.

The tabletop sim mod could do with a little work (correct hands for the player colours, hidden areas for use during setup, maybe a bag with the tiles in to randomly distribute them, etc.) but great job getting this together as it made it much easier for us to play :)

The design of the game is great - everything looks cohesive and it's attractive to look at.

There's a few kind of vague bits in the rulebook - the main one i remember are the rule about digging in your own site (which makes it sound like maybe you need the cards to dig in anybody's site) but in
general it's clear.

Nobody did research from someone else's hand in our game - what do you see the purpose of that being?

Maybe some of it could be streamlined - it feels like there's quite a big rules explanation for phase 1 when actually there's not so many things to do there - so that could be looked at. Once we got it though it moved very quickly and we enjoyed it.

Great job :)

Haha that your noun is "joke" :D

For what it is this is really well done. When you introduce the torch it has hints of those idle clicker games where stories emerge from the very simple beginnings. I wonder what else you could put inside the hay stacks...

Everything worked smoothly and was entertaining to play up to the point that you ran out of programming :) Good job

This is really neat. We did solve the seating arangements (or at least reached the solution listed on the itch page) but it didn't seem to trigger anything to let us into the next room.

Atmosphere was good, graphics and animation were great. Maybe could do with on screen instructions for controls (took us a while to figure out how to put something down)

Really good job :)

Just played again and can confirm the bug is fixed.

Figured out what the doggo wanted too :)

The passenger service agent smiles. "Have a nice flight"
    *** You have succeeded! ***

In that game you scored 5 out of a possible 5, in 47 turns.

Very nice!

Where did those graphics come from? they weren't there when I first played it!

I liked this. I only managed to complete it by cheating because it allowed me to give the box back to the manager multiple times - and I couldn't figure out what the dog wanted except petting. But good work!

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At our in-person game jams we often have a few teams creating board and card games.

This is going to be a bit different for a fully remote jam - but I strongly recommend giving Tabletop Simulator a look. It allows you to create all your components, cards, boards, etc. and then have players drag them around in the physics simulator.

The downside is that all players will need to own Tabletop Simulator - though for play testing etc. there's definitely a few people already signed up to the jam who own it and could help out. If you're happy with the game you end up with - you can even release it on Steam workshop.

I've been told Tabletopia also allows you to create your own games in a similar way (potentially for free). I have no experience with it but it's worth checking out if you don't already have Tabletop Simulator.

I'm intending to go back to the idea and do It again - with random cities, monsters,  storylines, crafting recipes, etc. - so that it can stand up to repeated plays while giving lots to explore.

Thanks for playing :D

I fixed the thing with tiles in the discard bag - and the blank tiles are on the table in the corner. I think it should all work fine now.

Can't you right click on the bag and shuffle?

(1 edit)

The game does instance but right now it'll only spin up a new one when the first one is complete. I hope to come back to the concept and make it easier for groups of friends to play together. I'll let you know when I do :D

Zombies are supposed to be difficult - though maybe the balance is off. That said, another comment on this page says the zombies posed them no threat!

In an ideal world I think I'd have the tutorial be more integrated into the game - so the first time you find a weapon it tells you how to fight etc.

It's interesting that you didn't have trouble with the zombies - I spent hours on the last day trying to rebalance it and felt I had left it too difficult - maybe not!

Crafting is almost entirely non functional - you can use it to repair stuff and for one or two simple recipes and for one recipe used in the storyline - and that's it. I just ran out of time to add sufficient depth to it to make it interesting. Definitely something I'll revisit.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback :)

Thanks for playing :)

The click to use weapon thing is the most complained about thing about the game - I got comments about it at the mid-way point too. I did it just to avoid having to add another system - I already wasted a load of time adding the crafting system which is almost entirely non-functional! (it's just used for part of the story).

It also meant that it was very easy to add new items - every item optionally has a "use" which is independent of everything else - so a key implements its use to open doors, an apple implements its use to fill the hunger bar, and weapons implement their use to kill nearby zombies. This saved some time when I needed to fill the world with stuff.

I hope to return to this idea and I will include a proper equipment system then.

I was also not sure about the tutorial. I was concerned that if people didn't know that zombies and items are degradable and non-replacing then they'd treat it like any normal survival game and just waste everything, and people didn't realise at first how to e.g. shoot a zombie - so I included that. But I agree the tutorial is quite long with a big information dump - maybe it could have been handled better with some in-game tips the first time you play.

Did you notice the tutorial uses the character that you picked? I was quite proud of that :D

You mentioned having to reload manually.

You could make it work like an idle/clicker game! maybe you need to reload manually at first but an upgrade allows it to reload itself. So that's a tradeoff that you make. Maybe you could also have it so you collect the DNA from the virus to get cash rather than it being automatic - and that's something else you could upgrade to automate. Just a thought :)

Good job!

The idea is good and the implementation is impressive - though it can be hard to read the game state with such a tiny window and only yellow squares. Maybe some simple tiles and making everything about 10x as big would help there.

Shame you only got the one level done! You should add some more!

I haven't played Dark Souls. This was actually inspired by a previous game I made Story of Everyone which took the player contribution concept much further. I tried to add more of a game to this rather than the walking simulator that Story of Everyone was. I think I might have made it too difficult!

There is a story to it - which is structured like a treasure hunt to send people all over the map (and hopefully they'll draw the map as they do so the next player can find where to go when they're told to go to the camp site or whatever). I suspect nobody will ever discover the cure though!

Items are an issue - I did them like that because it meant I could just add items and not have to code special states (e.g. "holding a weapon") - if I build this out I'll probably add equipped weapons and clothing which will hopefully fix some of that.

The map was the spark of the idea for this game - but I'm not sure as it is it's much fun to draw the map - the tools are too limited. I'd like to improve on that.

Thanks for playing :)

Food and items don't respawn. That was something I thought about long and hard.

I really designed this game with the idea that it'd be played by a group of friends trying to survive in a single Journal - and another group would play a separate journal. So if someone uses up all the food and everyone loses then that was a bad play through of this co-operative game.

Your spawn actually changes to wherever the last player slept - so it's possible to move around the map while you scope out different areas and explore the story.

I'm pretty sure I haven't got the balance right and everyone will starve to death - but that's game jams for you!

I liked the pictures of the robots!

This was really sweet - I think maybe the stats could have been shown more prominently if they are important (or not at all if not) - right now it felt like they were kind of just stuck there.

But it was well written and interesting to play through, thanks!

This is a cute idea. I could see it working well as a frantic party game - though on my play throughs it moved kind of slowly - mostly because we couldn't read the arrows! (I'd definitely re-do those)

It looks good, and visualising the four viruses with colours filling from each part of the body is great. Update us if you rebalance it so we have any hope of filling the body :D

Very stylish game!

You even have a cut-scene for the introduction! Though I think it could do with moving a bit quicker.

Shame there's no levels or goal other than to kill everything - the slow mo and stuff was really nice and I could see you turning this into a nice duke nukem style thing with some more content.

Great job.

What is the main character supposed to be by the way?

I think there's a bug on the last level. Are you supposed to be able to walk up the stairs? I couldn't figure out another way around and that didn't work.

Otherwise though, really nice game. A lot of content - I liked the pushing boxes to block the guards, and how the noisiness of your guys is important.

Was there any thought to having ranged combat? I think if guards were shooting then it would have added another spin, choosing which guards to approach.

This was fun. There's something very satisfying about shooting at wave after wave of zombies.

Very difficult to aim so I found myself just pushing both sticks in the same direction.

I think having to press a button to pick up weapons would be good as I accidentally picked up bad weapons occasionally.

Is there an end? I did some exploring but died a few times and gave up - so I'm not sure if you ever find that blacksmith who can free them.

Really nice game :)

This looks amazing - and the trailer Is super over-produced for a game jam :D

There is some inconsistency in the visual effects - e.g. the blue light thing sometimes marks the end of the level, the cube can sometimes be picked up and sometimes pushed, etc. It'd be good if these could be better communicated visually.

Really good potential though - I'd love to see some more levels.

This is really cute. I found it frustrating that taking the wrong item was an instant loss but you still had to go to the exit. Is there a way to put down the wrong item? Maybe that could just be a points deduction or something?

I'd like to see a competitive multiplayer version too. I could imagine it being quite frantic going after the last toilet roll or whatever.

Also, add stuff to bump into and knock over please!

Good job.

I made a load of rules mistakes when playing this - which is common when playing a boardgames having read the rules only once - but it was good fun!

We lost, but partially that was because we misinterpreted the rules against us, so I think the balance seemed reasonable. I'll have to give it a few more goes to know for sure though.

It looks beautiful and the rulebook is great. Well done.

I made a Tabletop Simulator mod of this at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2056667815

So if anyone has TTS do check out the game there :)

Nice light arcade thing.

Your build and distribution is a bit of a mess though so I'd definitely look into how to improve that! you have a bunch of folders that don't seem to do anything - and an executable called payload.exe which screams to run your antivirus :)

Good job! I think with the way the routes work there are some slots which are strictly better than others - so maybe more could be done to even out the strength of different positions - maybe height, or certain turret types could only go in certain positions, etc.

I think you could also add a bigger variety of turret types - maybe you have to choose the type of turret to upgrade to - one is faster and one is stronger - or one has a different type of attack - maybe one that slows down enemies or traps them in some way - or one that strengthens turrets near them (a reason to not socially distance maybe? to force that trade off).

Great effort for the game jam though :) I hope you expand on it!

This is excellent. I'm guessing the window closing and re-opening at the start is to take a screenshot? if so maybe you could be craftier by taking multiple screenshots as you get the player to move the window around and then sticking them together? That was a bit weird when it happened (before I figured out why)

I'd love to see you take the idea further