Hi am new and I love they Game I got a small problem so here it is my working visa is at level 3 right then I want to get promotion I have they skill but they CEO said I don't have enough job experience what that means I try try every day in they game of course I even went to take classes I reached the skill to become they CEO buy I still can't it still Said that I don't have job experience sorry for my English am a French guy my character it a female
Hi, you need at least 400 job experience points to get promoted to CEO. This is equivalent to working for 400/5 = 80 days which is roughly 80/5 = 16 months. So, it usually takes more than 1 year to become CEO.
You get maximum 5 job experience points every working day if you arrive on time + finish the job.
You can check your job experience points by first going to the work building & then tap/click info button on top right of the screen.