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Hey man i just blocked on the first (i think) boss. It's spam shots randomically and you can't understand where. Not really thoughtful. Maybe it's can have 3 different mouth and shots bullets in the direction of the mouth. Just need an anticipation for help the player. Anyway the game look fun and the graphics are good (one of the best here)- try to separate a lot more the background elements and decor for the foreground and interagible element, u don't did a bad work about it but there some elements (like the crystal on the image u post on the left) in the bg but have the same colors/ lightness of the foreground etc.. I see in some map u did it and it's was good- maybe it's a problem of the first maps u did.  focus a lot more on the animation it's a little bit stiff for any movement but it's functional- i like the uppercut - double jump but not the rigid movement you can do with it- the gameplay can be more dinamic and have all the cards for do it- just change some variable about a more long dash and soem movement more free and less blocky in animation and in game controls. Great job anyway !


Hey man, thank you for the feedback. I'll try to address these issues as best I can in the version I'm developing now :D