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A member registered Mar 31, 2020

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GG mater <3

"Great work in gameplay, and great music.

I replayed it after the restyle and that imporved a lot in the pixel scale, remain some issue with not contrasted background (where i will go and where not) and a lot different color enemy bullets who are difficult to understand what to dodge and what not expecially in the second stage. 

Understood well! 3 weeks are few times for make a game. Don't forget to focus expecially on the gameplay then the other stuff for the next demo, it's a game after all.  I think you build a good base  to work and there some idea on the concept could make this game very complex to do. I see u want to put a mix of farming and life simulation with an rpg. Good idea but need a good balancing and game design. For sure im interested to play another time the final demo when u create a solid base of gameplay. have a good day!

(1 edit)

I played the demo but unfortunatly i didn't understood a lot the gameplay, im news about this kind of games. I don't understand if u didn't add it inside the demo and put just the story etc.. or what, maybe i think i missed it... The music felling is good and i think that tell a lot about the game. The tileset artist is awesome and probably did one of the best tiles on these competition, professional for sure, unfortunatly i can feel the different artist touch inside the game and there are a fluctuating quality, the portrate are good but  different for the style to the other stuff and the sprites are very rigid, the titlescreen have totally a different quality and style. There are few  or no animation inside a lot of map so that make the game a lot static but i think that because is an early demo. the interior map are too much big, they are not empty but they can be a lot more small, that will help for sure and make them more professional. Pay more attenction on the pixel scale, there are some element like the plant's on the left of your house in a pixel scale more small then the other stuff/ same savepoint, same for the portrate but they work more because they are another things, but the plants who is a part of the tileset nope. Anyway the game respect the pixel scale for a lot of other stuff. Good job for the feeling, im sorry about the gamelay who is the important stuff, but i dunno about the problem u had on it for make it in time for the contest etc.. im curious about that. great job and good luck!! hope these stuff help you for something.

(1 edit)

For sure one of the most complex game- there are a lot of stuff and mecanics respect of the other platform/metroidvania games here- U did the first good jump with a good slow in and out in the top of the jump- i think that mechanics need to be added in the new games. Don't understood the first boss, i think that have some errors and it's freezing sometimes. For the graphics i think there are some important work to do. I think you work on a very big pixel scale awho probably give u a lot of trouble. it's really hard to work for a professional too with that small pixel scale. some element are aniamted in a strange way because i seea line of pixel go up and down a little bit on the idle and some aniamtion. Ah try to don't block the character after the sword slash, he will block for some frames and u can't do other actions. and i didn't found the "F" botton on the controller. Good job anyway!! Love the character style!

Probably one of the most compleated and dinamic game here- good programmed and responsive and the aniamtion are good. For sure one of the best in the contest.  Just the graphic and palette can be more expressive and fixed- need more contrast and the pixel scale is a problem inside any levels- there some enemys with a pixel x 8 other x 2 soem tileset x 1. You need to focus a lot on that for create something more professionally looking. but a lot of these game did the same error.

(2 edits)

Great job about the pixel scale there, just one or two games here respected the same pixel scale for any element (eccept for the sword slash ahead who have it x 2 but u can fix it easly) just with that u put a lot more professional feeling on the gameplay!! the poster is endearing and u understand fast about what kind of game it's could be. The story is simple and easy to learn, really a good step ahead about complicate and too much text story with fixed cutscene or more difficult to understand. The character are good animated respect of a lot of game of the contest and they are not so rigid feeling, I see u put a lot of effort on that for some cutscene etc.. really nice. Just take a good luck about your background- some of them don't have some good palette/ contrast and the background layer is very near to the foreground layer. try to separate it more visually (expecially inside the temple) anyway good job!   Ps another important things- add the slow in and out at the top of the jump - it's very mechanic now, he falling down in 0 time.

Hey man i just blocked on the first (i think) boss. It's spam shots randomically and you can't understand where. Not really thoughtful. Maybe it's can have 3 different mouth and shots bullets in the direction of the mouth. Just need an anticipation for help the player. Anyway the game look fun and the graphics are good (one of the best here)- try to separate a lot more the background elements and decor for the foreground and interagible element, u don't did a bad work about it but there some elements (like the crystal on the image u post on the left) in the bg but have the same colors/ lightness of the foreground etc.. I see in some map u did it and it's was good- maybe it's a problem of the first maps u did.  focus a lot more on the animation it's a little bit stiff for any movement but it's functional- i like the uppercut - double jump but not the rigid movement you can do with it- the gameplay can be more dinamic and have all the cards for do it- just change some variable about a more long dash and soem movement more free and less blocky in animation and in game controls. Great job anyway !

Extremly good graphics for sure one of the best of the contest- i see these are package- the gameplay can be a good base and remind me some clissic like demon blazon, but i see u had hurry for the contest demo, the audio speaks for itself