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(2 edits) (+1)

Great job about the pixel scale there, just one or two games here respected the same pixel scale for any element (eccept for the sword slash ahead who have it x 2 but u can fix it easly) just with that u put a lot more professional feeling on the gameplay!! the poster is endearing and u understand fast about what kind of game it's could be. The story is simple and easy to learn, really a good step ahead about complicate and too much text story with fixed cutscene or more difficult to understand. The character are good animated respect of a lot of game of the contest and they are not so rigid feeling, I see u put a lot of effort on that for some cutscene etc.. really nice. Just take a good luck about your background- some of them don't have some good palette/ contrast and the background layer is very near to the foreground layer. try to separate it more visually (expecially inside the temple) anyway good job!   Ps another important things- add the slow in and out at the top of the jump - it's very mechanic now, he falling down in 0 time.