I've had a bit of break over the holidays, but now Roopit and Boopit is back on!! :D
Graphics! More work on graphics!!! :D
I've put a black border around the characters and enemies, it makes it easier to tell whats important on the level at a glance.
Also I've been trying out the db32 color pallet for the environments, turns out I was using way too many contrasting colors.
I've been learning a lot about art, but still a lot to learn!
Also, the purple monsters and snowmen have had there sprites vastly improved.
The time has come to begin work on World 5!
World 5 will be inferno world!
I'm pretty hyped to come up with some new mechanics and puzzles! Definitely my favorite part of making this game! :D
Also, I've been considering adding moment with analog sticks on the controllers, The way you only move in four directions doesn't really mesh well with it, but I thought it might be good to see if I can get it to be a good alternative anyway!
What do you think? Is it worth it for a game with only 4 directions to move and shoot in?
It feels like the game is getting close to being finished! One more world, a few more little cartoon animations, etc etc.
You can try the game here! https://thesneak.itch.io/roopit-n-boopit
I hope you all have had a good holiday and that this quarantine hasn't been getting you down too much.
If you need someone to talk game design with and play test your projects, hit me up! I'm always keen to see what people are making and if I can help! :D
Have a great day and have FUN!! :D