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A member registered Nov 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Cat Powered UFO Remastered is so close to being released on Steam! It just needs some playtesting and to add Steam Achievements. If you're interested in doing a playtest for me, send me a message!

 Cat Powered UFO Remastered is so close to being released on Steam! Just needs some playtesting and to add Steam Achievements. If you're interested in doing a playtest for me, send me a message!

Happy New Year everyone!  

I'm back!  Cat Powered UFO is back in the making!

I think I have now re-done EVERY sprite in the game!  

There are just a few things left to wrap up and the remake should finally be COMPLETE!  :D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Hopefully, Cat Powered UFO will finished by early next year, as for me I'm off on holiday!

New Boss Fight!

New ability added to Cat Powered UFO! 


The video is less about a Cat-Powered UFO and more about a general design philosophy, but I thought you might like it anyway.

Adding different appearances for my Alien character was A LOT OF WORK. 

 Who would have thought that just a few items could create so many combinations and sprites?

 Was it worth it?  I think so!

You  probably should warn people that these images are pornographic.....  I would have appreciated a "NOT SAFE FOR WORK" at least........

New visual effect for licking the giant mushroom!

New Minigame!

Heres the plan for Cat Powered UFO!

I'm thinking of hiring someone to redo the little cartoon at the end of my game - Cat Powered UFO

Happy to talk to you further if you are interested!  :)

We all start somewhere!  You should see how many bad and unfinished games I have on my hard drive!  xD
I'll check out Baltimore Penitentiary and make a feedback video for you!  :)

Cat Powered UFO is a wacky little RPG where you collect cats and fly to weird and wonderful dimensions!

I've started making little update videos and thought I would share them here on!

Join my Discord! -

Yes we are out here!  :)

I can make some feedback videos on your games if you like?

I've sent a friend request on discord!  :)

"Eat half, walk double, laugh triple"  -  old Tibetan saying.

Just sent a discord friend reques

I can give it another go sometime if you like!

Also, it would help me out a lot if you gave me some feedback on a game I'm developing.   It's called Cat Powered UFO.

Hey there!  Are you still looking to do some playtesting?

I have a small indie RPG named Cat Powered UFO and am looking for some feedback!

The game is around 3 hrs long, I'm happy to negotiate some pay for you if that's a bit much to ask for free.

This is Cat Powered UFO

Here's some feedback for ya!

Sorry about the video cutting off at the end.

Cat Powered UFO

Short.  Weird.  Fun!

Cat Powered UFO

Thanks so much for playtesting for Cat Powered UFO!

To other developers reading this.

If you are serious about making your game as good as possible I highly recommend gamercomposer.

He makes videos of himself playing your game and speaks his moment-to-moment thoughts for you.

This is really useful, it's likely you'll have many oversights in your design that you are completely blind to.

Seeing someone else play your game in real time helps identify these blind spots.

I've sent a friend request on discord!  :)

Thats so creative and fun!

Ok, I have something to confess...

I do already have a game called Cat Powered UFO.

I was interested to see what you would think up without any context, and I must say I'm not disappointed!  xD

If you did want to check out  Cat Powered UFO, don't pay for it, just go for the version with 2024 in the name.  That's the latest version.  (I won't link it because I feel that distracts from the true purpose of your thread)

Thanks so much!  :D  I kinda wish I had asked you before I made the game lol!

Hello!  This sounds really fun!  :D

Name :  Cat Powered UFO

Theme :  Cartoon / Wacky

Setting :  Inter-Dimensional

Play Type :  Single Player

I have a 2D project called Cat Powered UFO, I've made some big changes recently and could use some testing from fresh eyes.

"Cat-Powered UFO 2024 0.6.zip96 MB" is the version that needs testing.

I understand that a 2D project was not your preference, but if you liked Earthbound or Undertale you might enjoy playing Cat Powered UFO :)

Even if you don't end up testing it, thanks so much for helping devs here on itch!  So many people want their games tested but so few are willing to test others.

I've just sent a discord friend request!

Please roast my graphics. No, seriously I need the feedback!

Cat Powered UFO's update charges on!

And it's not just graphics.  I've been tinkering with gameplay as well.

I'm going to be redoing some of the weaker levels like the car race and water scenes, and I'm making the non-turn-based battles scale with your chosen difficulty setting.

Thanks very much to anyone who can give feedback of any kind!  :)

Cat Powered UFO is getting a makeover. 

What are your thoughts on the changes?

Join the Discord!

It's not the main focus of the game, but there is an underwater level!  :)

The Penguin Game is released!  :D

Play it here!

(1 edit)

Hey friends! It's been a while since I've updated you on how the penguin game is going, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on it! Check out these screenshots!! The game is really looking a lot nicer then where it started!

 Also, there is a new version out now for playtesting! Would love to hear your thoughts! 

Play it here!

Play it here!

I've always sucked at making tilesets, so today I bit the bullet and paid $6 for one on

It looks a lot better now so it was worth it for sure!

The tileset came with a bunch of other environments, so I'll be throwing them at some stage.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it!

This is the tileset I brought in case your interested.

I've been working on how to introduce the player to each level.

The camera spotlights the entry door and exit.

Also, I've added a text box and little Penguin face!

The idea being that I can have different characters talk to each other during the level.

Hope you've been having fun and thanks for keeping up!