Well, I ll allow myself to diasgree with you.
There seems to be an excesive usage of resources on my computer while using the Forge, whether or not the Asset Forge window is active, see the screenshots. I took the screenshots after waiting for about 10 minutes after opening the Forge. I still have no idea whats going on, since these do not make sense to me.
For comparison, this is with Unity window (the project I am working on) and Blender (random stuff I found online) in the background.
If you would like to run some tests on my computer, or check this out yourself you are most welcome. In a nutshell, the issue I have right now is that I cannot work in Forge for more than 15 mins straight, and that is a problem for many (obvious) reasons. Now, if this is something you are willing to take a look into, is in your backlog, etc. that would be splendid - I could just wait and see if the situation improves for me. If that is not the case (I guess given that I am solely the only person with this problem it seems), which I totally understand, I just need to request a refund and move on with my life, learn Blender or something.