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I did expect a game with some lewd content and I got so much more.

Usually I do tend to stay away from unfinished lewd games.Many devs out there seem to be content with the monthly payment of Patreon, feeding their supporters just enough every 2-3 months to keep the payments rolling. Can get frustrating to watch. Glad I did make an exception here and took a first look. 

The characters are interesting and grow on you very fast. Character models are pleasing to the eye. UI doesn't get in the way, easy to navigate. 

Funnily enough the lewd content becomes almost secondary after a while. One might get sad or angry equally as often as getting turned on. 

Thanks for this little gem. Looking forward for new content. Now excuse me while I raise my fitness further to be prepared for punishing a certain family in future updates. At least I hope I get that chance to vent... would feel oh so good. 

This is well-said. I wish I could be as eloquent, but this is pretty much exactly how I feel about it also.


Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write this comment, you made my day <3


Glad to hear that. There is one tiny thing that bothers me though. Trying to mention this without spoiling anything (if there are spoiler tags here I haven't found them yet) :

There is a certain event including two of the girls where something along the lines of 'He is going to leave' is dropped. It felt wrong to not give the MC the option to comment on this. Imo the way the story of the individual girls progresses, this little sentence cuts too deep for the MC to stay silent. Make me lose affection with one of them if I decide to intervene, but it would be nice to at least have the option.