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A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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There are many ways the 'Harem' and 'Romance' tag can be approached in a game. Some ditch everything and just try to win the player over with quantity. Some create uniqueness with the models to appeal to differing tastes visually. Some might weave in elaborate gameplay mechanics to keep the player occupied.

This approach here however is my favorite. Worldbuilding. Making characters relatable, giving them depth. Having them be consistent in their actions throughout.Making the player care for them and wanting to know more about them.

Very few are able to pull this off and I think you are, although I am still not through all of the current content. It's that moment when you realize you might have initially downloaded for the lewd content and now keep playing because you want to see how the characters move forward in their own growth and their interactions with everyone else.

Well done.

Now he is reusing his teases. That's a real coder right here being proficient in the ol' copy+paste. :)

Still not buying it. Even with the physical injuries, I doubt you are bold enough to incur the wrath of the players using the offspring as a plot device to drive the 'grim dark' of Act 3 home.

Still sitting at the end of Act 2 myself, so this just gives me more time to be comfortable with having my progress nuked once I do jump into Act 3.

Still not sure that is a smart decision to begin with but your great work so far makes me want to check it out. At least once there is enough content to delve into.

The weekly schedule doesn't help your approach with the act system anyway, so pushing for more days to get more content ready is a net plus in my books.

Your 'constructive' criticism derailed quite fast there. Especially since you try to paint a very subjective problem you have as an objective flaw. 

I do not see anything inherently wrong in the MCs interaction with Elsa. You thinking the natural thing for her should be to tell him off isn't really proof for a fault on the writers part. Rather it tells me that you lack life experience in this regard (which is a good thing for you I guess). People in as dire a mental state as Elsa tend to feel when someone they are talking to 'knows what it is like'. So her not pushing the MC back here is absolutely on point. 

Since you are keen on giving advice, here is mine for you. Self reflection. Instead of assuming everyone does things the wrong way or 'doesn't get it' maybe leave room for the possibility that it is you that can learn something new. 

As I am in a somewhat unique position, here is a bit of Feedback for the team :

I used to play the very first publicly available version of this and nothing after until the latest one. I can honestly say I am impressed, all of you put a lot of work into it and it shows. 

The focus on providing actual gameplay is quite clear. Only thing limiting are the limits of the engine itself and even those are stretched  and you go beyond. Good work with the tools at your disposal. Pacing and balancing of actions vs rewards is still a bit off but not gamebreaking. 

The girls are loveable and unique. Each have their strengths and flaws. Interactions between the girls could still see some work but you seem to pick up on that. I understand that the sandbox elements make it harder to implement those interactions. 

The MC. Well where to start. Him having almost no redeeming qualities is part of the story. And I get that he is as dense as he is for comedic purposes. I still think you are overdoing it a bit there. You create loveable characters the player is supposed to care for and pair them with a guy, who 90% of the time acts like he has no empathy whatsoever and with the social skills of a log of wood. He does have his moments (mainly interacting with Fara, Sunny or Shuni) but many of his interactions are questionable. No problem showing someone unintentionally hurting others out of naivety or inexperience, but his lack of thought and reflection on this makes him look like a douche quite often. 

Overall I was blown away by the leap in quality this game has made. One can feel, that there is a lot of passion and sweat poured into this. Wishing all of you to not lose the fun and passion creating, you got something good going here. 

Not entirely sure where the story is taking me but I am in for the ride. 

The transitions are definitely pure gold. Since you seem to be toying with ideas for games past this one : keep them as your signature element. Refreshing to get a laugh in between even if the story gets more serious.

Bit late on this in terms of giving feedback but wanted to do so either way. 

Focus on the Harem route, though I did take a glance at the other two. 

First off :  overarching story in a Harem game is always silly. No way around that. So that is not what I usually focus on. I am more interested in how the Dev portrays the inner workings of the Harem. Many writers/devs avoid dealing with that all together by using plot devices like mind control, corruption, magical powers or ignoring it completely. 

I was pleasantly surprised to not find this here. Not only is the reason why the MC and the individual members of the Harem are attracted to one another fleshed out , but there is also considerable effort put into creating a network connecting the members with one another. A good Harem plot needs a focal point inside the Harem to make it more plausible why they are willing to share (however absurd the whole premise in itself might be) . You have two equal ones, that are basically the core to which everyone else connects, which allows them to interact with the MC without the whole thing imploding. 

Definitely one of the good approaches out there in terms of dealing with a Harem plot plot. Good work

Just recently finished your game, using this place to give some feedback/a review. 

Harem games are either rather easy to pull off or complicated. Most devs choose the easy way out, using plot devices like mind control or 'corruption' to avoid dealing with character development. 

The story of Harem games is always silly in regards to an overall plot.  Character interaction is more important though. There needs to be a character in a Harem, that glues everyone together, if one wants to keep it somewhat believable or relatable. 

In your case I think this character is Erica, my favorite for this one for this exact reason. She connects not only to the MC but to the other mothers, and even the girls, making the whole construct more stable. You did a good job creating your characters. Aside from Ronnie maybe. 

The teacher is a good antagonist, creates drama without interfering in the Harem dynamic. Ronnie is poorly executed, since the player might feel helpless to counter his actions and the player does not get a real satisfactory victory against him . Would have been different if the person the player uses against him in the end, would have actually been portrayed as important to him beforehand. 

Overall a good experience with a bit rushed ending. The harem and its members reasonings make sense for the most part (Wanda probably excluded, no idea why she would settle for this arrangement ) and the characters are interesting and lovable with their own quirks and personalities. 

Looking forward to exploring the new stuff. Hopefully reworking all this will still keep old saves compatible. Having something to do in the morning sure will be nice, especially on the weekends. 

Just keep up the good work. What drives this game is the story and the characters. As long as you keep the spirit to breathe life into those virtual people, the next update should easily live up to the high standard you have set so far. 

Glad to hear that. There is one tiny thing that bothers me though. Trying to mention this without spoiling anything (if there are spoiler tags here I haven't found them yet) :

There is a certain event including two of the girls where something along the lines of 'He is going to leave' is dropped. It felt wrong to not give the MC the option to comment on this. Imo the way the story of the individual girls progresses, this little sentence cuts too deep for the MC to stay silent. Make me lose affection with one of them if I decide to intervene, but it would be nice to at least have the option. 

I did expect a game with some lewd content and I got so much more.

Usually I do tend to stay away from unfinished lewd games.Many devs out there seem to be content with the monthly payment of Patreon, feeding their supporters just enough every 2-3 months to keep the payments rolling. Can get frustrating to watch. Glad I did make an exception here and took a first look. 

The characters are interesting and grow on you very fast. Character models are pleasing to the eye. UI doesn't get in the way, easy to navigate. 

Funnily enough the lewd content becomes almost secondary after a while. One might get sad or angry equally as often as getting turned on. 

Thanks for this little gem. Looking forward for new content. Now excuse me while I raise my fitness further to be prepared for punishing a certain family in future updates. At least I hope I get that chance to vent... would feel oh so good.