question how in the hell do you get past Ruvin?
To help with this, because none of the future boss fights won't be easier, in the next or the one after update the bar will sell items that can help you in fights. Just buy a few and chug them down after every decision or so to always win, and I'm going to have the cum you can drink help you always lose
The fights will be a bit different, as in you won't be able to press back once you make a decision, but the items should help with that. Luckily, right now, there's only 4 or 5 scenes and follow up that are blocked by not fighting Ruvin, though that number is going to shoot up to nearly double next update...
But to give you a hint to your question without spoiling it... Pick the options where he doesn't get very rough/touch you right away as a result, with 2 being spots where he'll do it no matter what.