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A member registered Apr 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's not in the game yet.

When you get the cheats copy, it should appear during the prelude of chapter 3 when you unlock the phone as there's a new app on yoru phone.

They mean you haven't seen an event and do/don't qualify for it. This system has been changed up a bit in the most recent patreon update so it's more understandable and how you get event.

After meeting with him downtown after unlocking Kodjo, Hex, and the Black Panther downtown, during chapter 3 Rohan's questline, you can unlock him through Girardo.

It's only illegal if you get caught.

After you meet him in the park, then you tell Girardo and then you meet him downtown for a couple of times, then during chapter 3 you'll meet him again during Rohan's quest.

Yes there will be. Going to be a bit for scalies but other reptiles and dragons will come. You can lower your muscle and fitness size through Shlar right now. Later there will be more ways.

Uhhhhhhhhh maybe later? It's very buggy and I Azul doesn't want to fix it, and the current coder is focused on renpy.

You continue the main story. Long as you get inside the rat's den is all that matters, but you need to continue the main story to do so.

Not yet, it'll be a bit before you can but it is planned. Along with more top/dom scenes after chapter 4 ends. If you played the previous version, you should know what chapter 4 entails!

(1 edit)

You go to the park and talk to Tyde, the otter you had a series of events with Boss' night work. In the description of the game there's a mini guide that tells you where people are.

Not in the game yet

In certain events that call for it like Rarox's stuff.

It's in your app% folder under renpy.

The fake guide should tell you in the description or just looking in the comments, but if you rush the main story you're going to be missing out on a lot of people.

Tyde at the park, and they're used during events that call for it for right now. 

Pretty sure you just need to unlock the 2 cuddle buddies.

They're throughout the game, long as you have kinks unlocked and go out to meet people before progressing the main story quest too much you should encounter them throughout your play.

The quests continues on when you're in the prelude to chapter 3 further into the story there. Just meet them at the time and don't progress to chapter 3 and you'll encounter him.

The drunk wolf fight is only tied to Slate

You need to go there around the same time you fought them at which is late night/early morning

Did you also do the repeat fights? Need to do a number of things with the goblins like unlocking their appearance and learn more about the cops in the 2 areas which are the requirements for the fights.

He appears in the park after you did his events with working for Boss at night.

We update the patreon verion on the 8th of every month unless something happens.

You could. You can skip to chapter 3, not the prelude to chapter 3 and you'll have everyone unlocked.

But once out you could skip to the prelude to chapter 3 and make sure you didn't to see all scenes in the prelude if you want. Mostly there's just set up scenes for the stuff in chapter 3 with people.

Playing on phone might be like that because of size limitation, as playing it on computers give you face icons or location icons on screen of those who are there or where you can go. Might have to review what can be done about that later.

With Harold, was it the scene where you go inside of his house and he treats you as a trespasser? Or does he know your name? Cause there's a scene where if you haven't met him, he's doing what he does when you properly meet him. Or does he mention your name and you haven't done the event where you two properly met? The ? icons, aside from introducing a character you haven't seen, are also events that can happen during certain times if you meet the requirements.

No clue why you can't meet anyone at the cv area. There should be a few people that just appear there as long as you unlocked the phone. Not all as some of them require other things, so maybe check the mini guide and the time you're going at?

The ones that Kru give you, aside from the mpreg potion, are used during scenes that call for them currently.

Your options in battle relate to the race you currently are.

Are you playing on phone? You should have pictures on the top right and left of where you can go and who's around after you get the PATS app. Once quests are completed they should go to the completed section.

Where are you encountering talks about Harold? It sounds like you're on the prelude to chapter 3, and if you did the skip then it assume you met him in chapter 2, but people in the main cast don't talk about him till chapter 3.

And during that story beat where you get introduced to shopping and get the potion, it didn't appear in your useable inventory app?

Both, more prey scenes cause we get requested for more of those than pred.

Scroll up and look in the game's description, it's right there at the bottom with the link where to the bug reports at.

Yeah, he'll see more play in chapter 3 for players who want to sub to him, but he won't be interested in the player who want to turn into dragons and top later until chapter 5 after the player wins the test in chapter 4.

You need to meet them through Vamp first. Well Skryter, Hex is met through prelude to chapter 3. If you did a chapter 3 skip you'll have him unlocked. 

Sorry to hear that. You can also skip to chapter 3 next time and it will assume you did everything you possibly could in the prelude.

We're currently working on a new QOL to help with finding out how many people are in an area and the people you did unlock what events they have and the requirements you need to see the event. It will still be up to you to figure out how to get the requirements, but hopefully should help.

Is this the web version? Or one that you downloaded?

Hey! We've posted a mini guide in the game's description. And we're currently implementing a new QOL feature to help as well.

You can skip it but understand that you don't want to. If you click the link in the game's description to the fake mini guide, it will tell you the answer. If it's not accepting it and you're putting in the right answer, if you still have it, can you send your problem and save to our bug site listed in the game's description.

They aren't? That's odd. In the prelude to chapter 3, right? If you can, if you're still encountering this bug, report it on our bug site along with your save so we can see what's up. Haven't heard people having this issue.

If you skip to chapter 3, it will assume you did everything you could in the prelude to chapter 3 so hopefully that helps.

Oh yeah. While it's optional to participate in it, it is talked about.

Say you're interested in it with Xav, do Rok's quest, but from Kru. Only some people have mpreg atm though.

Can you click link in the game's description to report this as a bug and put in your save as well. Harold shouldn't just vanish when Mac appears in the gym. He should always be at the gym.

You go around talking to different people, and make sure you have an empty bottle when you do. The game is more about meeting and hanging out with people. If you just speed through the story you're going to be missing people showing up later on. Go to each area at different times of the day and see who you can meet. Or just use the mini guide to help find everyone.

Did you hangout with Koa in the downtown area before chapter 3 begins? During the prelude. After the Rohan/Stryker events, is the only requirement for Girardo to ask him to train you. His actual downtown events, not one of the ?

Check the change log, should be tbc on questies now, but you probably just reached the end of the current content.

It's a location in the gps once you get into the gym